1180 BCE
Trojan War
Trojan War was between early Greek and People of troy.The war held in troy.Trojan war held in between 12 and 13 Century BC.Many early Greek author say that Trojan war held due to the beautiful lady Helen who was wife of Menelaus ran with troy beautiful prince name Paris for which king Menelaus ordered to attack troy and take revenge.Significance of this war is that it take ten year to complete the war and ten year to return home for the soldier of war. Only one person return home from this war. -
490 BCE
Battle of Marathon
Battle of Marathon was war between Persian and Athenians somehow Sparta was with Athenians during this war.It held the place between Persian empire and Athens known as Marathon.It held during the 490 BCE.Persian want to conquer Greece to make their empire big so the attack and loose.The main reason of winning this war was the formation of Phalanx.Significance of this war is that the man named Pheidippides ran 26 miles to inform that they have won the war this battle named the battle of Marathon. -
480 BCE
Golden Age of Athens
Golden age is a time for place when their art and skill are at peak.This was the golden age of Athenian.This golden age held in ally of Athens.The golden age held after the Persian were defeated by Athenian.After defeating Persian the Athens was the most powerful due to his army and economic reason that become golden age for them.Significance of this age is that Athens became the leader of Dalian league.After becoming leader Athens build a powerful empire with money all other become their ally. -
480 BCE
Battle of Thermopylae
Battle of Thermopylae was held between Persian and Spartan. It held at place of Thermopylae. After Ten year of battle of Marathon Persian want to take revenge of lat war so they started a war for this. The main reason for this war was to take revenge. The significance of this war is their were 300 Spartans and 7000 other against 10000 Persians. 300 Spartans held thermopylae a mountain pass for 3 days but eventually lost. After this war they get a secret passage around the mountain pass. -
480 BCE
Battle of Salamis
This war was held between all alliance of Greeks and Persians.It held on Aegean sea near city of Salamis. It held in 480 BCE.The main reason of this war was that persian thinks that they were good in navel and this time they will be able to conquer greece.This time the war was on water.Significance of this war is that Greek won again.Greek sink ⅓ of Persian fleet in this battle. Some say that Greek have much better boats then Persian and Greece is located near sea they know how to travel in sea -
431 BCE
Peloponnesian War
Peloponnese war was fought between Athens and Sparta.It held in Greece.It held when the golden age of Athens end.The main purpose of this war was the leadership of Athens every city state need to give highly paid fees.Athens punishes all those city states who leave the league. Athens took them as slaves.Sparta create their own league and fight with Athens.The significance of this war is that this war ruin and destroy Greece.The winner of this war was Sparta.Both city states weakened by this war. -
430 BCE
Plague In Athens
This time period held in Athens (City State in Greece) Athens was the city state that was ruined by this event. It happen during the Peloponnese war.As we know one thing destroy all other things so like this got into a disease of Plague.The significance of this historical moment was known as destruction of Athens.At this moment ⅓ part of Athens population was died.This moment also was the main reason of Athens to lose Peloponnese war from Sparta.This diseases spread out of Greece till Egypt. -
323 BCE
The Spread of Hellenism (Alexander The Great)
Hellenism is combination of 4 great empire.is known as Hellenism. It include Greece, Persia,Egypt, India. It was spread by Alexander the Great. It spread in 323 BC.The Hellenism spread due to the ununified Greek and different broken empire that was know as the main reason of spread of Hellenism. Some say that people want Alexander the great to be their leader.Significance of this event is that people were wrong to choose their leader because he sent them to slavery and kill thousands of People.