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Peer Mentoring Timeline

  • First official meeting

    Today we discussed possible options for integrating technology in my cooperating teacher's classroom. I could tell that she could navigate her way around a computer well but had trouble coming up with ideas to integrate technology. She told me that right now her students are just starting the outlines for their persuasive essays. At this time, we decided that having the students create a Prezi along with thei paper would tie in nicely. The students will present the Prezi to the class.
  • Getting everything ready

    At this time, I sent Mrs. Prostrollo the rubric and information that I would be giving the students.
  • My lesson

    My lesson
    I taught the students to use Prezi. They are going to be creating a Prezi to go along with the persuasive essays they are writing. I handed out a rubric of the requirements and most students finished in this class period
  • Cooperating Teacher's Lesson

    Cooperating Teacher's Lesson
    Mrs. Prostrollo is going to be teaching a different section of students how to use Prezi. I will be observing her during this time.
  • Last meeting

    We are going to meet and discuss how Mrs. Prostrollo liked the lesson that we conducted. We will discuss if she is going to use it again and also if she would change anything in the way that we presented the information.