
Pearl Harbor

  • 7:02 AM

    7:02 AM
    Joseph P. McDonald receives a message from Opana. The radar had detected movement. Airplanes were coming in from the north. Despite the message sounding serious, the Lieutenant rejected it.
  • 7:50 AM

    7:50 AM
    Japan launches its attack on Pearl Harbor. Bombs were thrown and bullets were shot, resulting in many casualties.
  • 8:00 AM

    8:00 AM
    USS Arizona explodes and sinks after a bomb is dropped in the ammunition magazine.
  • 8:10 AM

    8:10 AM
    The USS Oklahoma was an oil-carrying ship who was sunk shortly after the USS Arizona. The USS Oklahoma was hit by 8 torpedoes during the first 10 minutes of the attack. 429 of the 2402 deaths were from the USS Oklahoma.
  • 1:30 PM

    President Roosevelt is informed about the attack. He has many meetings later throughout the day to prepare for his response.
  • Eleanor's Response

    First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt talks to American citizens through radio. She reassured them that everything would be fine.