
PE Schedule

  • Flag Football Unit

    Flag Football Unit
    Flag football will be our first unit of the year. We will try to be outside as much as possible with this unit. Read about the rules and expectations to help you come prepared. Link text
  • Tennis Unit

    Tennis Unit
    Tennis will be our second unit and we will focus on learning about short handled implements, which is the tennis racquet. Read about some of the tennis games we will be playing here: Link text
  • Fitness testing

    Fitness testing
    We will be doing fitness testing after our tennis unit. Fitness testing will last the whole week, but it is important to give it your best effort. Read about the different fitness tests and the goal to meet in the President's challenge. Link text
  • Croquet Unit

    Croquet Unit
    Croquet will be our final outdoor unit before winter, but if weather is bad, we will be inside doing croquet. Croquet is a fun family game that involves a long-handled implement. You can get yourself ready be learning more about it here: Link text
  • Basketball Unit

    Basketball Unit
    Basketball will kick off our indoor units this winter season! You will be learning many new basketball skills and experiencing fun, small- sided basketball games. Here are some of the small-sided games: Link text