Colonial Period
1607-1783: Sport, dance, and dramatic enactments were incorporated into Native American festive celebrations and engaged in as forms of relaxation. Swimming, canoeing, archery, various types of ball games, and games of chance were other popular activities among Native Americans. -
National Period
Charles Beck (1798-1866), introduced John's gymnastic program of exercise and apparatus to his students at the Round Hill School in Northampton, Mass. -
Civil War Period
In 1881, Sargent founded the Sanatory Gymnasium, a school to prepare physical education teachers to utilize his scientific and comprehensive approach to physical education. -
National Period
1784-1861: During the 1820's, German gymnastics was introduced to the United States by German immigrants. During the mid-1800's, more schools and colleges opened their doors to both males and females. -
Civil War Period
Through 1900: In order to prepare teachers for their system, the turners in 1866 established the North American Gymnastic Union in New York City. The segregation continued through the 1900's, and integration in many sports did not occur until after World War II. -
World War I
1916-1919: World War I started in 1914. In 1917 the Selective Service Act called all men in service between the ages 18-25. When the war was happening the women were showing interest in sports and physical education, as well as in other fields formerly considered to be off-limits. -
Golden Twenties
1920-1929: The 1920's and 1930's marked a time when an increasing emphasis was placed of defining the scientific basis of physical education. Measurement was used as a means of grouping students, assessing achievement, prescribing exercises, and motivating performance. -
Depression Years
1930-1939: Between 1932 and 1934, an estimated 40% of the physical education programs were dropped completely. In 1937, representatives of the Junior Colleges of California met for the purpose of forming the National Junior College Athletic Association. -
Mid Twentieth Century
The National Athletic Trainer's Association was founded. -
Mid-Twentieth Century
1940-1970: In 1942, the Division of Physical Fitness was established within the US Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services. In 1964, the first National Institute on Girls' Sports was held. In 1968, the Special Olympics was founded.