Germany invades Poland
Germany takes over Poland and starts world war 2. -
Hitler is appointed chancellor
In 1932 the nazi party earned 37% of the vote and became germanies largest power. Hitler was the leader of the party and was appointed on 1933. -
Hitler creates his first concentration camp
The perliament was burned and, Hitler created emergency decress, by opening concentraion camps. After the perliament reopens Hitler was given totatl power. -
The first anti-Jewish law is ctreated
On april 1st the german goven't set troops in front of jewsih owned property. A law was then set to ban jews from services. -
Germany takes over Austria
By taking over autria they also invade jews. These jews are force to work and clean streets, side walks, and toilets. -
Hitler's orders
Jew own property had to be turned over to German due to the policy called Aryanization. Jews are then require to apply for identification cards which will give men the name if israel , and the women the name of sarah. -
Many jews were torture, some killed, because a 17 year old killed a jews because his parents were deported back to Poland. -
Germany invades
Germany invades Yugoslavia and Greece, and later attacks the soviet union in june. -
Hitlers death
Hitler commits suicide