Patrick Dodds - Erikson Timeline

  • Industry vs Inferiority: Age 7

    Industry vs Inferiority is the period of a person's life when they come to learn what is expected of them to function within their society and culture, and they learn whether they meet these expectations, or fall short, thus developing the idea that they are industrious or inferior. In the 2nd grade, when my twin sister and I were put into separate classes, I became extremely shy. Growing up with a twin means that that person is always with you. the sudden change in that made me unsure and shy.
  • Identity vs Identity Confusion: Age 23

    Identity vs role confusion occurs when a child grows older and begins to discover for themselves what their identity is and what their purpose is. Failure to do so can result in role confusion. Erikson states that this occurs during adolescence, though my event occurred later, at age 23. During that period of my life I was confused about what my place in society was. At 23 I cast aside the ideologies given to me by my parents and educated myself, becoming an Anarchist, as I am today.
  • Intimacy vs Isolation: Age 30

    This stage details the time in a person's life when they begin to either allow themselves to be vulnerable and seek companionship, or they become isolated. The shyness that I developed as a child continued into my adulthood, affecting my ability to make connections. I was isolated from about the age of 18 to 29. It was at that point that I made a conscious effort to change things. I met people. I made myself vulnerable. On 11/8/20 I told my partner that I loved her, and thus my isolation ended.