

  • The Beginning of the Pasta

    The Beginning of the Pasta
    The Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was started by Bobby Henderson who graduated from Oregon State University with a physics degree. The Church started after sending a letter to Kansas Board of Education, which was debating the inclusion of intelligent design theories in high school classes on evolution. He argued with satire that the universe was created by a giant Flying Spaghetti Monster and that his belief should be taught in schools as well.
  • Pirates

    Pirates were the original Pastafarians and their decline is responsible for most of the worlds problems.
  • The Gospel Was Made

    The Gospel Was Made
    The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster was created in 2006 and stated that the Universe was created to appear older than it actually is. It claims that when a scientist makes a measurement such as carbon dating the FSM will change it with its noodly appendages. Also climate change is the result of a decline of pirates since the 1800's. It has eight commandments which are layed out as "I'd really rather you didn't's".
  • Religious Head Gear

    Religious Head Gear
    Pastafarians wear cullenders on their heads as religious head gear. In 2011 a man in Austria was allowed to wear a cullender on his head for a drivers license photo.