Pasadena ISD AVID Recruitment Plan

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    Who is an AVID student?

    Inital student recommendation sheet goes out either by email or paper copy in teacher boxes. Send email briefly explaining the student profile,recruitment process,collection of slips and due date
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    Send reminder email to turn in student recommendations by due date

    Send gentle reminder email for student recommendations to be turned in by Friday, November 20th.
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    Begin compliling a spreadsheet list of student recommendations

    see sample spreadsheet in your recruitment packet
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    Email spreadsheet to teachers asking for any student additions

    Remind teachers that all student additions must be received by Friday, December 11th.
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    Info meeting with all perspective AVID students on list

    Gather all perspective AVID students in large group room for a brief AVID info meeting. This is your time to promote AVID and its benefits. Have current/former AVID students speak. Have students fill out the AVID interest form and collect all forms at that time
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    Finalize spreadsheet and meet with Site Team to discuss interview plan

    meet with Site Team to discuss how they can help with interviews. decide dates, times, locations and subs if necessary
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    Conduct student interviews

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    Finalize spreadsheet info after interviews are conducted

    fill in your spreadsheet with with the info from student interviews
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    Meet with counselor and go over final list of prospective AVID students

    Here is where you will need to know how many students you can have in the program. Work with whoever is doing the master schedule to figure out numbers. 20 to 24 is an ideal AVID class size. This may take several meetings.
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    Call all students that have been selected to be in AVID to a large group room and congratulate them on being an AVID student. Give them info on next year and let them know to stay tunedfor more. you might want to get their email address at this time.