Parker W, History of Science Timeline

  • 250,000 BCE

    Evolution of first hominoids

    This helped humans become what they are today
  • 47,000 BCE

    Evolution of first land plants

    This event helped trees populate and help create oxygen.
  • 10,000 BCE

    First human settlements

    This helped humans have a safer enviornment to live in
  • 3300 BCE

    Use of stone tools

    This helped with building and cooking
  • 2000 BCE

    Fluent human speech

    This helped humans have a way to communiate verbally
  • 750 BCE

    First alphabet developed

    This helped humans have a way of communicating by writing something down on something
  • 428 BCE

    Plato and Aristotle

    They were inspired by Socrates. Platos students could see the stars moving backwards. Aristotle loved looking at living things.
  • Period: 1300 to


    This period marked a huge chnge in the European society, politics, religion, the arts, and of course science.
  • Period: 1452 to 1519

    Leonardo da Vinci

    His work was important because it helpd shape and discover many branches of science. He also known for the invention of many mechanical devices.
  • Period: 1550 to

    Scientific Revoution

    Changed name from Renassiance becuase of how much we eveolved in the science field.
  • Charles Darwin

    He created the theory of natural selection
  • Theory of evolution by natural selection

    This helped humans understand why things happen and what they do