Age 5 months
“Parenting my son is the greatest honor I have ever been blessed with. Parenting to me means selfless unconditional love despite all fear” -
Period: 1 BCE to 50
Years of Children
1 CE
Age 5 Months
“Parenting means everything to me” -
16 Months
"Practice makes progress" Being a mother is tough. You could get all the advice in the world and still wouldn't be completely prepared to become a mom. I love being a parent, but it does test your strengths and weaknesses on a daily basis." -
Age 3
“Keeping you on your toes. And having a mind of their own” -
Ages 4-15
“It can be a little creepy and kooky at times, just like this picture” -
Age 14 and 16
“Family/ parenting means time together to build relationships.” -
Ages 14 and 16
“These two are my world. I am so proud of the fine young adults they are becoming. They make choices that are good for them and are kind and empathetic to all.” -
Ages 14 and 17
“The most important thing I learned about parenting is to be of a unified front with my spouse. We have to be in agreement about our approach to our kids. I also think that by about age 12 we're really done parenting. We still have to be an authority and provide bumpers/guides, but in essence our kids are who they will be. So much of parenting is leading by example. There's only so much kids hear from us... but they observe and witness EVERYTHING we do.” -
Ages 23 and 26
"Every single day that you are not with me, I think about you. I wonder what you are doing. I pray that you are safe, well and happy. My love will follow you where ever you go. No matter how old you are and no matter how far you travel. Because I am your mom and you will always be my child. My love is forever." -
Ages 28-35
“I am the mom of 3 fantastic men… my fondest memories are made up of priceless moments. When they were babies and toddlers we went on adventures to the zoo, museums and family gatherings. My mom and dad usually accompanied me to help keep them safe in public arenas. As they entered school we spent our summers in the North Woods of Wisconsin where I worked as a camp nurse. It was fun to hike, swim, kayak or star gaze at night." -
Ages 35 - 43
"Giving life to my children has given me life in return" -
Ages 41-60
“I’ve been blessed. God is good but the hardest part of being a parent is watching a child go through something really tough and not being able to fix it for them”