Boston Latin School (First public-private school)-1635
Strange attractors- freedom, better life, liberty, pursuit of happiness through education -
Period: to
Major Reforms and Policies in Education
Compulsory Education Laws (1642 and 1647)
Children and apprentices should be able to read and have knowledge of the common laws. Parents assumed the responsibility of educating their children. -
Massachusetts guidelines for school master (1647)
Towns of fifty familites to hire a scholmater to educate the children in reading and wrting. Towns of one hundred families were required to hire a grammar school master whol would prepare candidates for harvard. The strange attractor would be excellence -
Young Republic (1783-1830)
Dame schools, Private Venture Schools, district schools operating two/three months a yaer, parents held the responsibility to ensure the education of their child. -
Land Ordinance Act of 1785
Required that the territory outside the original thirteen colonies be divided and sold into townships of six miles square and be made available for public sale as long as "there shall be reserved the lot N 16, of every township, for the maintencance of public schools, within the said township. -
First Monitorial School- Joseph Lancaster-1806
Educaiton for the masses- Undertook the row approach to instruction (Teacher would teach a few bright students and then these individuals would teach other students in their row)- The strange attractor would indicate efficiency- What was good for business was good for educaiton. -
Yale Report of 1828
Described the competing philosophies and respective values of a classical education and vocational education at the college level. -
Common School (1831-1900)
more regular school attendance, longer school year, graded schools, state agencies, county superintendents, teacher training, bureacratic- Stressed by Horace Mann who was sick of the crime rate -
Philadelphia Bible riots of 1844
Catholic and Protestant leadership argued in regards towards the religious focus in schools as well as funding. The strange attractor was the battle of Truth that should be taught in the schools- This led to the the movement of neutral education/schools -
Compulsory School Law (1852)
Massachusetts passed the first compulsory school law- This eventually led to some form of compulsory schooling being implemented by 1918. -
Morill Act of 1862
Allowed states to sell federal land in rder to use the proceeds for the establishment of state institutions of higher learning that incorporated both liberal and useful arts curriculum. -
2nd Morrill Act of 1890
This act expanded access to higher education by prohibiting racial discrimination at land-grant institutions. -Strange Attractors of excellence and equality -
Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896)
Court ruled on the notion of "Separate but Equal" -
Scientific Sorting Machine (1900-1982)
Industrial revoultion, many scientific advances, ability grouping, guidance counseling, extracurricular activities, junior high schools, standarized achievement tests, built on efficiency, equity during the 60's, bureaucracy, orgainizationally modeled by factories of its time, challenging curriculum to 20% and basic education to others, -
John Dewey Impact (1900/1902)
Promoted education that met the students needs- balance between curriculum and individual student, student-centered/guided instructional approach, individualized instruction (strange attractor), teach students using a variety of ways -
First Junior College Established (1901)
Due to students graduating high school with not place to- Later renamed to Community College in 1947. -
Intelligience test and the Carnegie Unit
Two forms of measurement that is based on the notion of the strange attractor of efficiency. -
Principles of Scientific Managment of 1911
"What is good for business is good for education"- Emphasized the strange attractor of efficiency of the time. -
Smith-Hughes Act of 1917
Secondary schools would act as a pipeline for not only college boutnd students but for a variety of vocations. -
GI Bill of 1944 (Serviceman Readjustment Act)
Help veteran's reentry into society by paying for college. -
Brown vs. Board of Education (1954)
Court ruled that in the field of public education the doctrine of "separate but equal" has no place. -
Brown vs. Board of Education II
District courts were ordered to implement desegregaton policies "with all deliberate speed" -
National Defense Education Act (NDEA) (1958)
Federal involvement became official in education- provided almost one billion dollars towards the increase resources for instruction in Math and Science-The focus is to counter Russia space advances/Cold War -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) (1965)
Authorized 1.3 billion to be distributed to schools that contained low-income families. -
Higher Education Acft of 1965
Intended to strngthen the educatonal resources of our colleges and universitites and to provide fin ancial assistance for students in postsecondary and higher educaiton. -
All Handicapped Children Act (AHCA) (1975)
Reauthorizerd in 1990 as the Individuals with Disabilities Act- This stressed individualized instruction in the least restrictive environment. -
Search of a New Paradigm
A Nation at Risk, extreme concern of failing schools, school reform, inclusion, stat proficiency tests, subject-matter standards, freedom, economic growth, NCLB -
Charter School Law (1991)
The firsty Charter School law was passwed in Minnesota. -
Goals 2000: Educate America Act (1994)
Targeted eight goals that focused on outputs rather than inpurts- Schools were not required to implement school improvement plans and content standards to accomplishe the goals. -
No Child Left Behind Act (2002)
An act to close the achievement gap with accountability, flexibility, and choice so that no child is left behind.