Papunya School

  • History starts to change

    white fellas (the British) came from across the sea and had set up an unusual camp down near the south. There was also a couple of them up north. They had been setting up ports for ships to come in.
  • An explorer named Stuart

    Stuart was a British explorer, he set out to try and win the prize money to travel from Adelaide to darwin. he planted the English flag in the centre of Australia but the traditional owners attacked with fire and spears.
  • Anagu started to attack more often

    Tjulkura where populating Australia more and more. the white people were stealing all the water and it hadn't rained of weeks so the Anagu needed to take back their water. So many Aboriginal tried to attack the white people so that they could survive.
  • Governments revenge

    On a telegraph station, there was a small WAR. One black man died and one white man aswell. the government was furious, not caring that an Aboriginal had died, and sent soldiers on horses to kill 50 Aboriginals for revenge.
  • A town named stuart

    The aboriginals saw many white people setting up camp and starting to live in towns. the white people had lots of different food because they didn't eat bush tucker. the aboriginals watched as the white people made a whole new town, they named it Stuart after the explorer.
  • The first aeroplane

    the white people were very excited when the new aeroplane landed in Australia too because the British had just invented more transport like the train that went to Stuart. a little later a new town called Alice took place.
  • Devils in the sky

    the aeroplanes were multiplying more explores, instead of coming by horse, were coming by aeroplanes which were frustrating for the aboriginals because they couldn't spear the plains.
  • Papuanya school

    The Papunya school had over 1400 children.Tthey derated all the walls in the school with aboriginal art.
  • Papunya famous for music.

    a new band in Papunya got together and created new hits. they became famous for their music. they travelled to aboriginal towns to share their music.
  • Winning back the country

    since the white people came to Australia, the aboriginals fought for their land. the problem was that the could not communicate very well. because of his, the aboriginals couldn't tell the white people that it was not right to steal others land.
    eventually they got back some of their country.