Kaiser Wilhelm fled/abdicated
Armistice signed
It was an agreement to stop fighting. The people who signed it became known as the "November criminals", including Friedrich Ebert, leader of the social democrat party, who declared Germany a republic. -
Hitler joined the German Workers Party
Spartacist rebellion
Wanted a communist state like Russia. They captured the government office as part of an armed rebellion. The Freikorps took over their head quarters and ended it. 100 spartacists died. The leaders, Rosa Luxemburg/Karl Lieknecht, were executed. They never recovered -
Freikorps rebellion
Armed soldiers forced to disband, but the government used them to stop rebellions 1919-20, which made them angry. They marched on Berlin. The army refused to fire on them, forcing the government to flee. The government told citizens to strike, forcing the Freikorps to leave.The leader, Wolfgang Kapp, fled. -
1921 - France, Britain and Belgium invade the Ruhr to force Germany to pay reparations.
Hitler becomes leader of German Worker's Party
He renames it the National Socialist German Worker's Party. Creates the Swastika and the newspaper Der Sturmer. -
SA created
Led by Ernst Rohm, they were to protect Nazi meetings and attack other party meetings. -
Summer 1922 - France and Britain agree to a 6 month postponement of reparations
Germany still haven't paid reparations
Britain and France take the Ruhr again with 60,000 French and Belgium soldiers.
Weinmar encouraged the people to strike (passive resistance). 150,000 people were expelled from the Ruhr and 132 people were killed. Weinmar paid them with paper money, leading to hyperinflation. -
Period: to
Von Papen was chancellor
He was the leader of the Centre Party, however the army didn't support him so he had to step down -
Stresemann becomes chancellor
Munich Putch
Nazis and SA march a meeting set up by Von Kahr (leader of Bavarian gov.) in a beer hall with all other right wing parties. Force him to accept Hitler and join his revolution at gun point. He has the support of General Ludendorff. They march into Munich, but are met by police. 16 Nazis are killed and Hitler is injured and imprisoned. -
Period: to
Stresemann is Foreign Minster for Germany
Period: to
Hitler was imprisoned
The Nazi party was banned until Hitler was released, so they couldn't campaign and lost support. -
Period: to
The Golden Years
+Political stability
+Dawes plan helped the economy grow
+Wages increased
+reparations were paid
+industrial production increased
+exported goods increased
-Reliant on US economy
-unemployment higher than pre-war
-Wages increased only for working class. Middle class wages decreased.
-imports also increased. Exports>Imports in 1926 -
Dawes Plan
USA lend 800 million gold marks to build factories. They also reduce the reparation payments -
Locarno Pact
An agreement with Britain, France, Italy, Germany and Belgium that the France/Germany border should never change. It stopped France retaking the Ruhr and protected France from Germany. -
SS created
They were Hitler's personal bodyguards, led by Heinrich Himmler, because he didn't fully trust the SA -
Germany joined the League of Nations
Kellogg-Briand Pact
More than 60 countries agree to never go to war, but no mention of what would happen if someone broke it. -
Young Plan
Reduce reparation payments and extend the deadline to 59 years, -
Wall Street Crash
USA withdrew their loans, so Germany couldn't pay reparations. other countries couldn't afford to buy German goods, causing factories to close and the economy to collapse. -
Presidential elections
Hindenburg won with 19 million votes to Hitler's 13 million -
Period: to
Von Schleicher was chancellor
He didn't have enough support from the people and other parties, so he had to step down -
Concentration Camps were established
They were used to detain prisoners, but became places of torture and murder in 1939. -
All youth organisations banned except Hitler Youth
Jewish shops and businesses were boycotted
Hitler becomes chancellor
He was offered the position of Vice chancellor, with Von Papen as chancellor, however he refused so he was made Chancellor with Von Papen as vice. He was the leader of the largest single party in the Reichstag, -
Reichstag fire
The Reichstag building was set on fire. Van der Lubbe (a dutch communist) confessed and was executed for it, but he may have been set up by the Nazis. Hitler used it to persuade Hindenburg to sign the "Law for the Protection of the People and the State", which ended freedoms and gave Hitler control of the police to break up meetings and arrest communist leaders. -
Mass ralies, torchlight parades and radio broadcasts helped the Nazis gain 44% of the seats (288), giving them a majority with the Nationalist party (52 seats). -
Enabling act
It allowed Hitler to create laws without consulting the Reichstag or needing the President's approval. It needed 2/3 of the votes, so he banned the 81 communists from voting and threatened the Social democrats using the SA. They voted 444 in favour and 94 against. It destroyed the Weinmar Constitution. -
Students burn books
More than 25,000 'un-German' books by Jews, communists and foreigners were burnt in an attempt to make Germany pure. -
Catholic Concordat
This was an agreement with the pope that the church stay out of politics and the Nazis stay out of the church. The protestant church was taken over and turned into the Reichchurch. -
Law for the Encouragement of Marriage
This was a loan of 1000 marks for any newly wed couple. They were allowed to keep 250 per child. There were also homes for unmarried women to become pregnant, often by SS members. The motherhood cross was a medal for having children. Women were encouraged to focus on Cooking, Cleaning and Children. Mother craft classes were introduced and they were given advice on how to look, including not slimming, as it was bad for childbirth, and no makeup. -
Post 1934 - Jews treated worse
All shops were marked with a yellow star, they were dismissed from jobs in civil services, education and the media. They were also segregated in parks and on public transport. -
Period: to
Hjalmar Schacht was Minister of the economy
He created the new plan to reduce unemployment, build up armaments industry and achieve autarky. He introduced the national labour service to get men aged 18-25 into work. The armament's industry grew creating more jobs. Women and Jews were dismissed from their jobs, creating more jobs for men. by 1939 there was a labour shortage and no unemployment. Aimed to be self-sufficient by 1940 (4 year plan), so increased raw and synthetic materials produced but by 1939 1/3 raw material was imported. -
Death of Hindenburg
He was the final person with more power than Hitler. When he died, Hitler declared himself the president and chancellor and took the title of Fuhrer and Reich Chancellor". The army swore an oath of loyalty to Hitler on the same day -
Hitler Youth made compulsory
Conscription introduced
This reduced unemployment significantly. By 1938, it had increased by 1 million men. -
Neurenburg laws
'Citizenship law' meant Jews were not German citizens so had no protection in law and couldn't be employed in public places. The 'Law of the Protection of German Blood and Honour' prevented marriage and sexual relationships between Jews and non Jews. -
Olympics held in Berlin
This meant that the treatment of Jews increased in order to create a positive image of Germany -
Austria was invaded
Gave the Germans Iron Ore to help them become more self-sufficient -
100 Jews were killed and 20,000 arrested and sent to concentration camps. Jewish shops, homes and synagogues were destroyed. The Jews were given a collective fine of 1 billion marks, forcing them to clean streets and roads (humiliation). It caused many Jews to emigrate. -
30,000 Jews sent to concentration camps
Czechoslovakia was invaded
Gave Germany modern heavy industry and armament plants at Brno and the Skoda tank factory in Pilsen, Czechoslovakia. -
Poland is invaded
Germany need to 'Germanise' West Poland so transport the Poles from their homes and replace them with Germans. Almost 1 in 5 Poles died fighting and due to Nazi policies. Jewish Poles were taken to sealed areas of major cities known as ghettos. The able bodied were used for slave labour and the young, sick and old were left to die. -
Prepare for first winter in war
Rationing in introduced for food and other items. Everyone received 7 colour-coded ration cards for different items and extra rations were given to workers and the sick. 2/3 Germans ate better than before the war. -
More rationing
Clothes rations were introduced and tobacco was hard to find. There was ha huge stock of luxury to be found on the black market but most goods went to high ranking Nazis. -
Invasion of USSR causes the tide to turn against Germany.
It was hopped for a quick victory but they got bogged down fighting a 4 year battle. -
USSR invaded
SS groups known as Einsatzgruppen were ordered to shoot communists and Jews, buy it was too slow and depressing for the troops. -
300 Swing Youth members arrested
The Swing Youth was a cultural rebellion in which members wore US style clothes and organised events with Jazz and Swing music where they danced inappropriately. They scandalised the Nazi's strict morals. -
Wannsee conference
Senior Nazis discuss final solution to Jews. Himmler was put in charge of killing the Jews. Death camps were built in Auschwitz, Treblinka and others. The old, sick and young were killed and able-bodied used for slave labour. some were used for medical experiments. The ministry of the Interior supplied birth records to identify Jews, the Finance ministry confiscated property and the Transport Offices organised trains to camps. -
White Rose
Philosophy students at Munich University handed out leaflets accusing the Nazis of war crimes and claiming they could end the war. Many members were hung in February 1943. -
Germany's war going badly
1000's wounded from the USSR were brought home on new hospital trains. There were many mourning women so a propaganda campaign was launched to keep moral up. Goebells claimed that Germans gave 1.5 million fur coats and 67 million wool garments to the army in Russia between December and January 1943. Extra rations were given at Christmas to increase moral. -
Total war
The war was going badly and there were labour shortages. All non war industry were put to the war effort and all non war jobs, such as professional sport, was stopped. Most men were sent to fight so women helped with labour shortages. Exchange centers were opened to swap furniture and clothes. Magazine and clothing production stopped. -
Hamburg was bombed
40,000 people died and the emergency services collapsed as they were too focused on the war. -
Faliure and defeat
All non-German servants and workers were put into armaments factories. To save fuel, railway and postal services were reduced. All theatres, opera houses and music halls were closed but not cinemas, which were still used for propaganda. The age limit for compulsory labour for women increased to 50. Most food was bought on the black market. The home guard marched through Berlin with borrowed weapons. -
Kreisau Circle falls into disarray after Moltke was arreste
They were academic people who wanted to create a peacetime government. They informed people of Nazi weaknesses and some of their members participated in the July Bomb Plot. -
July Bomb Plot (Operation Valkyrie)
It was led by von Stauffenberg. They planted 2 bombs in a briefcase next to Hitler at a military conference, but the briefcase was moved before the bombs detonated, and Stauffenberg was executed. -
Leaders of the Edelweiss Pirates hung
The Edelweiss Pirates were teenagers against Hitler Youth. They went on hikes and camps. They wore the Edelweiss as a symbol, scruffy and long hair to go against the Hitler Youth. As the war progressed, there were fights between EP and HY. Near the end of the war, they stole weapons and explosives, plotted to harm Nazi leaders, and helped Jews escape. -
Dresden was bombed
150,000 people died over 2 nights. Incendiary bombs were used and 70% of housed were destroyed -
Period: to
Heinrich Bruning was Chancellor
He tried to solve the economic problems by increasing taxes and decreasing unemployment benefit. This meant that less people could afford to buy things and less tax was paid on goods. The political parties lost faith in him and withdrew from the coalition in protest. Hindenburg was forced to use Article 48 to rule by degree, ending the democracy.