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Minnesota Pandemic Responses From January 2020 to October 2021

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    Minnesota's Responses to the Pandemic

    A timeline elaborating on specific responses to the pandemic on the state level.
  • Minnesota Prepares for Coronavirus Spread After Suspicious Cases in January 2020

    Minnesota Prepares for Coronavirus Spread After Suspicious Cases in January 2020
    Preparation starts within the state through the Minnesota Department of Health. They have contacted hospitals and its doctors, notifying them to be wary of patients with respiratory symptoms. They have also followed up with those who have been known to come in contact with the first cases. This is important to include because it is evidence of Minnesota's preparedness.
  • Minnesota Law School Addresses Teaching Restrictions in February 2020

    Minnesota Law School Addresses Teaching Restrictions in February 2020
    Mitchell Hamline School of Law has entered an online learning environment to abide by accreditation standards of the American Bar Association. Professors undergo training while the school works with the ABA to vary guidelines. This is important since this single instance showcases the educational dynamic of state schools responding to the virus.
  • State Governor Walz Declares "Peacetime Emergency" in March 2020

    State Governor Walz Declares "Peacetime Emergency" in March 2020
    Joined by Attorney General Keith Ellison, Governor Walz announces a "peacetime emergency" and limits gatherings to fewer than 250 people in order to control the spread of the virus. This is important because a new local dynamic has been established that affects every single public affair within state borders.
  • Minnesota Temporarily Closes Public Schools K-12 in March 2020

    Minnesota Temporarily Closes Public Schools K-12 in March 2020
    Governor Walz ordered public schools K-12 throughout the state to be closed until March 27th to stop the spread of COVID-19. He announced this during a conference in which Education Commissioner Mary Cathryn Ricker listened next to the podium. This is important, as this evidences how the educational dynamic has been gradual, leading to subsequent school closures and online learning environments since February.
  • Minnesota Congressional Delegation Prioritizes Assistance Towards Businesses in March 2020

    Minnesota Congressional Delegation Prioritizes Assistance Towards Businesses in March 2020
    Minnesota has dedicated their state resources towards the dramatic economic decline caused by the pandemic. The Small Business Administration was responsible for providing most of this assistance, the importance of this coming through the need for economic stability.
  • Minnesota Releases a Massive Testing Plan Against the Coronavirus in April 2020

    Minnesota Releases a Massive Testing Plan Against the Coronavirus in April 2020
    Governor Walz unveils a massive testing plan for COVID-19 with cooperation from the University of Minnesota and Mayo Clinic. Daily tests have skyrocketed from 1,200 to 20,000 Minnesotans. This is important because this partnership has heavily facilitated the capacity for a testing push statewide.
  • Republican Political Problems in May of 2020

    Republican Political Problems in May of 2020
    Minnesota Republican Party leaders attempt to hold an online conference, deviating highly from the usual in-person party gatherings. The organization mostly involved during this event is the Minnesota GOP, state representatives for the Republican political party. The importance of this comes through their response to the pandemic, aiming to maintain safety for state citizens.
  • Minnesota Legislative Body and its Approach to the Pandemic as of June 2020

    Minnesota Legislative Body and its Approach to the Pandemic as of June 2020
    Following the adjourned meeting of Minnesota's House of Representatives on May 18th, they address both accomplishments and shortcomings that must be dealt with. After realization of the pandemic's impact, they have without hesitation invested necessarily, preventing catastrophic losses of life. The importance of including this event is shown through their aggression against the pandemic.
  • Minnesota Response Rate in July of 2020

    Minnesota Response Rate in July of 2020
    The US Census Bureau has involved themselves in producing statistics involving individual state responses to the pandemic. Minnesota has been shown to be the most active state in this respect, soaring above the national average by a large margin. This is important because it accentuates the ambitious willingness of the state to combat the pandemic.
  • First Shipment of Vaccines Arrives to Minnesota in December 2020

    First Shipment of Vaccines Arrives to Minnesota in December 2020
    Minnesota gets their first shipment of COVID-19 vaccinations which goes to front line health care workers as first priority. Shipments are to arrive first at Minnesota VA Hospital. This is important because this event marks a turning point regarding the state's response to the virus.
  • Minnesota Courts and Their Responses to the Pandemic in January 2021

    Minnesota Courts and Their Responses to the Pandemic in January 2021
    The community-driven reporting project, Curious Minnesota, has delivered news regarding the status of state courts during the pandemic. Trials had reached a minimum, and were even suspended within the last few months as of January 2021. However, officials have worked to create a remote environment for trials. This is important because crime can only be dealt with through a preserved justice system.
  • Minnesota Establishes a Virtual Platform Facilitating Health Research in February 2021

    Minnesota Establishes a Virtual Platform Facilitating Health Research in February 2021
    Minnesota has created a Facebook platform, MN Research Link, to engage the community with health research that especially concerns COVID-19. This is important since face-to-face engagement within communities is highly limited, and must be dealt with in not only an online environment, but also one that is objective within the framework of health concerns.
  • Minnesota Works With Federal Partners to Improve Their COVID-19 Adjustments in March 2021

    Minnesota Works With Federal Partners to Improve Their COVID-19 Adjustments in March 2021
    Upon release of Biden's National Strategy for the COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness, the USDA has responded to this call of action in several ways such as offering its facilities and health experts. As a result, Minnesota has had school plans approved and communal adjustments. This is important, as it shows how federal and state levels can connect to combat the virus.
  • Minnesota Pauses Administration of the Johnson & Johnson Vaccines in April 2021

    Minnesota Pauses Administration of the Johnson & Johnson Vaccines in April 2021
    Both the CDC and the FDA advised a pause on Johnson & Johnson vaccines. This was done after blood clots occurred in women post-vaccination, although the link between them is unknown. Minnesotans are recommended that they check in if they received the J&J shot. This is important because it shows what Minnesota did in response to the widespread skepticism of the J&J vaccine.
  • Minnesota Identifies a Variant Abroad and Prepares Accordingly in May 2021

    Minnesota Identifies a Variant Abroad and Prepares Accordingly in May 2021
    The World Health Organization had pinpointed a new variant known as B1617 that possibly could be more transmissible and dangerous. Minnesota later identified this virus as well, and nevertheless looked to uplift efforts and strategies such as reducing commute for feasible vaccinations. This is event is important because it shows their prudence against the virus.
  • Minnesota's Case Positivity Rate Continues Plummeting in June 2021

    Minnesota's Case Positivity Rate Continues Plummeting in June 2021
    The Minnesota Department of Health reports a dramatic decline in the amount of positive cases for COVID-19, possibly due to vaccinations and immunity. Additionally, Minnesota has also considered equity by increasing vaccinations for Black and Latino Minnesotans. This is important because this is a statistically significant period of gradually reduced cases.
  • Minnesota Faces a Novel Rise in Positive Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in July 2021

    Minnesota Faces a Novel Rise in Positive Cases, Hospitalizations, and Deaths in July 2021
    The Centers for Disease Control had recommended that even vaccinated people wear masks, and the New York Times reported that federal health officials have changed guidelines in accordance with the possibility that vaccinated people can still be infected. Yet, cases, hospitalizations, and deaths continued to rise. This is important because a turning point has been marked for the worse.
  • Minnesota Democrats Advance Their Political Agenda During the Pandemic in August 2021

    Minnesota Democrats Advance Their Political Agenda During the Pandemic in August 2021
    Minnesotan Democrats have decided to undertake an ambitious enterprise using their budget worth trillions of dollars in enforcing new policy changes on immigration, labor, and possibly voting rights against opposition from the Republican Party. This is important because it shows how controversial political affairs can constrain needed attention away from the pandemic itself.
  • Minnesota's Coronavirus Count Rises in Their Pre-K-12 Schools in September 2021

    Minnesota's Coronavirus Count Rises in Their Pre-K-12 Schools in September 2021
    Minnesota cases continue substantiating in schools as state health and education officials reiterate the call for universal indoor masking and social distancing. Governor Walz does not possess the power to mandate, as the expiration of the public health emergency preceded. This is important as this event highlights the struggle not only within the education sector, but also the government.
  • Minnesota Reaches Their Highest Cases of the Year in October 2021

    Minnesota Reaches Their Highest Cases of the Year in October 2021
    The delta variant has caused a surge in cases and hospitalizations in Minnesota. The state's governor has taken measures like those with Sun Country Airlines, offering vaccinations at airport terminals. This is extremely important to know because Minnesota has reached their biggest struggle with the pandemic as of now this year.