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Panama Canal

  • The U.S.

    The U.S.
    The U.S. is now a world power; colonies over seas and a strong economy led the U.S. to this point. During the spanish american war the U.S. knew they needed a shorter route to send ships to cuba from San Fransisco. Thus the first thought of the panama canal was born.
  • U.S. Gun Boats

    U.S. Gun Boats
    The U.S. gun boats wait in the harbor to support the rebels. The purpose was to keep colombian rebels at bay and prevent mischeif. Many americans were armed and ready to fight. When T.R. agreed to help cuba, that gave cuba trust in the U.S.. This made it easier to allow the U.S. full accses to the 10 miles wide zone to build the canal.
  • Treaty signed

    Treaty signed
    A treaty signed giving the U.S. permanent use of a 10 mile wide zone across the Isthmus of Panama. This provides a gate way to more trade posibilitys and new alies. Many american troops landed on Colón beach to prevent hostile colobian troops. The americans were armed and that made the colombians begin to feel weary about there. The U.S. promised cuba they would help if they declared independence.
  • Building the Canal

    Building the Canal
    After the U.S. paid cuba 10 million dollars; The U.S. began to build the canal. It was a long and gruling process. For 10 miles, workers carved, exploded and dug through rock. 20,000 workers died in the long gruling effort.
  • Period: to

    building the canal

  • tropical diseises

    tropical diseises
    Tropical deseises were a big problem. Malaria and yellow fever was riping through the work force. Gorgas devised a plan to wipe out malaria and yellow fever almost completely. He made all the workers cut away all the bush where the masquitoes breed and yellow fever lives.
  • yellow fever and malaria

    yellow fever and malaria
    Gorgas began to wipe out yellow fever and reduce malaria. Malaria was the main cause of the 20,000 deaths. after they cleared all the bush, that number slowley lowered.
  • completion of the canal

    completion of the canal
    The completion of the canal, people quickly realised how much of a momentous feat it was. Now instead of going all the way around south america, you could just cut through panama. Now trade was quicker. America has now truley shown its potential.