Panama bank opens for limited withdrawls after 2 month closure.
George W Bush is inagurated as president.
Washingtons plan to invade Panama is an open sectret, in the cuban news paper Granma warns of the US agression towards Panama
U.S Plans Invasion of Panama
The United States invades Panama, known as the "Just Cause" operation. This was durinig the administration fof president George H. W. Bush. Bush had four reasons for the invasion, saftey of the U.S citizens in Panama, defending democracy and human rights, combat drug traficing, and protecting the integraty of the Torjitos. -
The United States invaded Panama.
U.S media
U.S media failed to report the deaths of thousands of Panamanian civilians in the invasion of Panama. (Ended up being 3,000-5,000) -
Capture of Noriega
Manuel Noriega was captured by the U.S men, he was immediatly flown to the U.S. -
President Bush Declines rumors of the invasion
President Bush declines rumors of the possible invasion of Panama,