
  • 1519

    Panama Becomes Spanish Vice-Royalty

    Panama becomes Spanish Vice-royalty of New Andalucia(now New Grenada).
  • Independence from Spain

    Panama becomes independent from Spain, joins confederacy of Gran Columbia.
  • Panama Railroad

    Panama agrees to let the US build a railroad across the isthmus.
  • Period: to

    France Attempts to Build Canal

    France attempts to build canal to link Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Financial difficulties and tropical diseases stop them.
  • United States get rights to Build Canal

    United States get rights to Build Canal
    Panama gives US rights to build canal and is given control of canal zone.
  • United States finish Canal

    United States finish Canal
    The US finishes the Panama Canal joining the Atlantic to the Pacific.
  • Period: to

    Government Overthrown

    General Omar Torrijos Herrera, the National Guard Chief, overthrows the president and creates dictatorship.
  • Panama's Canal

    US agrees to transfer the canal to Panama.
  • Torrijos Dies

    Torrijos Dies
    Right after the revolution, Torrijos is killed in a plane crash
  • First woman President

    Mireya Moscoso become the first woman president of Panama.