looting of persepolis
In 330 BCE. Alexander the Great looted and burnt the Persepolis Palace after he conquered the city/ army/ forces. First he looted the palace, taking away almost all of its treasures on 20000 mules and 5000 camals. "But the great royal palace, famed throughout the inhabited world, had been condemned to the indignity of total destruction.", This quote is an account by Diodorus Siculus, before this it says that the rest of the city was looted ad the palace was saved for last. (Destruction 2). -
Artaxerxes (beginning of reign)
Artaxerxes ruled Persia from 404 to 358 BCE. When the Palace at Susa was destroyed by a fire, this was the only king who put time into restoring it. -
Darius the Second - Ochus (beginning of reign)
From 423 to 405 BCE King Darius the second ruled Persia. There is vey little information on this ruler. Although he was a great millitary commander and did defeat the Athenian during his reign. -
Destruction of Susa
In Artaxerxes 1 reign (465 BCE. - 424 BCE) Susa was burnt down which destroyed the Palace of Darius. we dont really know why it was burned down by Artaxerses but Artaxerses the 2nd is the only known king - after Artaxerses the 1st- to have sponsered rebuilding of the palace. The picture is of the destroyer. We have no specific date for this event. -
Gate of All Nations
The Gate of All Nations was built by King Xerses. It was the only entrance into the terrace, which lead to the throne room, so everyboy had to pass through it to visit the king. We have no specific dates as t when it bean to be built an dwhen it was finished (Iran 5). But, we can assume it as both started and finished within Xerses sule (485-465). -
Beninning of Building in Persepolis
The earliest remains of Persepolis date back to 515 BCE. They were built by King Darius, he ordered the building of the Apanada Palace and the Council Hall. They had to be finished by King Xerses after darius died. He began to build this palace directly after he finished building his palace in Susa. The picture is of the completed Apadana in Susa. -
End of Building in Susa
No sooner had the palace at Susa been completed when Darius decided to build a palace complex in (Persepolis)' (Capital 2). The latest dates we have of the palce in persepolis is 515 and it started being built almost emediatly after the Palace in Susa was finished. This means the palace of Susa was dne being built in 515 BCE. It also states this in mrs. lngs Book (site). The picture is a recnstruction of the throne room at its prime. -
Begining of building in Susa
At the beginningof Darius the Great's reign he began to remodel the urban town center in Susa. It used to be a religous center with monuments of worship, but he remodled it and made it a palace. (Architecture 13). -
Darius Becomes King
In 522 BCE Darius the Great seised the crown after Cambyses, very short rule. There are many different stories abut what happened in the events leading up to Darius's success. But a quote from darius himself says, "Much else was done by me, that hasnot been inscribed in this inscription...what has been done by me will seem excessive and... false..." (Empire 37). Darius said this about an inscription that was written about how he took the thrown. He has a different version of what others say and -
Xerses takes over
When Darius dies in 486 BCE his son, Xerses, has to finish building the palace in Persepolis during his regin 485-465 BCE . “When my father Darius passed from the throne, I by the grace of Ahuramazda became king on my father’s throne. After I became king… I continued work and added to what my father had built.” (Capital 2). Persopelis is finished 100 years after its start date during Artaxerses 1's reign. (465-424 BCE). In the picture there are different colors of each monument and who built it.