Paiges goals

  • Step 1

    Step 1
    I need to apply for part time jobs in Eldridge or davenport. Like target or north scott foods.
  • Step 2

    Step 2
    Make a bank account to hold my money.
  • Step 3

    Step 3
    Once I get my first paycheck I will save $30.
  • Step 4

    Step 4
    Look up and see how long the bat last and what I have to do to take care of it.
  • Step 5

    Step 5
    Look and see if I need to order the bat online or in the stores.
  • Short term Goal

    Short term Goal
    S I will save money for softball bat
    M I will save $350
    A I will spend $30 less on shopping every week in order to save the $30 instead.
    R I learned that saving money is way more important than spending $30
    T I will save money for the next 2 weeks