Exposition: Settin
The short story begins in Klondike, Yukon, Canada. The time is mid-January and the temperature is about sixty degrees below zero. -
Exposition: Characterization
The man is named Tom Vincent, he is the typical mountain man. Vincent is tough and confident in himself, seeing himself capable of beating nature. Despite others’ caveats, Vincent decides to travel the Klondike alone -
Rising Action
Vincent takes off his glove to try to eat but his finger becomes frostbitten. -
Rising Action
After his attempt at eating, Vincent feels a chill and runs up the mountain to warm up. -
Rising Action
Vincent falls into the harsh, freezing pond. -
Vincent realizes he needs to build a fire. -
Falling Action
Tom fails at the first several attempts to start a fire, thus marking his defeat to nature. -
Falling Action
Vincent then tries to light his hand on fire, reasoning that it is better to lose a hand than his life. -
Falling Action
Finally, Vincent makes the fire. -
Vincent makes it home.