Aspects of suicidal behavior, depression, and treatment in college students: results from the spring 2000 National college health Assessment Survey.
A survey was administered to 13,000 college students in order to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment for depression. The results showed that less than 20% received effective treatment. -
The Pharmacological Treatment of Depression in College Age Students: Some Principles and Precautions.
Blue Howard et al. describe the four principles to acknowledge when diagnosing depression. -
The Fall and Rise of Resilience: Prevention and Holistic Treatment of Depression among College Students.
Henry C. Emmons describes more factors to consider when treating depression, as well as some of the causes of the mental disorder. -
Adequacy of depression treatment among college students in the United States.
A survey was administered to 8,500 college students to see if treatments for their depression were effective. The results showed that only 22% of the students received the minimal adequate treatment. -
Satisfaction with therapist-delivered vs. self-administered online cognitive behavioural treatments for depression symptoms in college students.
Derek Richards and Ladislav Timulak conducted an experiment to test the effectiveness of online treatment for depression when self-administered versus when delivered via therapist. They found that while both methods had their advantages and disadvantages, they were effective in treating their depression. -
Contemporary Treatment Approaches to Major Depression and Bipolar Disorders.
Richard L. John Jr. and Deborah Antai-Otong describe factors that must must be recognized when treating depression.