OZZY (Othello)

  • Dezzy and ozzy in court with brabby being a bully.

    Desdemona goes behind her fathers back and marries Othello. This is significant because in this patriarchal societal times this is unexpected and against nature. It is also the first taste we get of Desdemona's sneaky behavior
  • Iago gets Cassio drunk

    This is significant as this is the point where Iago's plan begins and we start to see Iago's plans unraveling, where Iago first of all gets Cassio drunk resulting in Cassio being demoted due to his behavior.
  • Iago plants in Othello's mind that des is unfaithful

    This is significant because this sparks the downfall of Othello and the audience begins to realize how he's more self conscience of his reputation than his wife.
  • Dez lies about hanky being lost

    This significant because due to the patriarchal times women should be obedient, but Desdemona lies about the handkerchief being lost. It's true misplacement gives Othello doubt about how faithful Desdemona truly is.
  • They all be dying and dead

    This is significant as this is the end of the play because Shakespeare's iconic tragic ending has now arrived. This is due to Iago's manipulation throughout the play for his own benefit