Overview of My Life

  • Siri Claire Nicol was born

    I was born in Corpus Christi, Texas. I grew up in a Christian home.
  • Diagnosed with hearing loss

    Diagnosed with hearing loss
    Because of my hearing loss, I was critically delayed in my speech development. I worked with Jaque Patton, my first Speech Therapist. She helped me discover my voice and truly changed my life.
  • Moved to Illinois

    Moved to Illinois
  • Parents purchased our cottage

    This is our family gathering spot. It is located in East Jordan, MI. We love it so much my parent's are rebuilding it to move into when my dad retires.
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    Attended Trinity Christian School

    1st and 2nd grade
  • 1st grade - Accepted Jesus into my heart

    1st grade - Accepted Jesus into my heart
    I accepted Jesus into my heart with my 1st grade teacher Mrs. Chase.
  • Got Nitney - great family dog

    Got Nitney - great family dog
    Me and my sister begged my parents for a puppy. We have had dogs before as a family, but it had been a few years since we had our last dog. It was really exciting for us to win over our parents after months of asking and get this sweet puppy. She is turning 10 this year! :)
  • Moved to Minnesota

    Moved to Minnesota
    The move was very difficult for me. I had a really hard time adjusting and finding friends. This sounds really sad, but I cried almost every day at school and would be proud if I made it through a day without crying. :(
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    Attended New Life Academy

    3rd - 12th grade
  • 3rd grade - New Beginnings

    I started taking horseback riding lessons and tennis lessons. Both activities helped me grow in maturity and responsibility. They were also the first activities that I grew to be passionate about.
  • 5th grade - Began struggling with fear

    This was the year that I started struggling with fear. I was exposed to subjects that frightened me this year and had really bad nightmares as a result of it.
  • 6th grade - Accepted Christ into my heart again

    I accepted Christ into my heart again at Camp Forest Springs.
  • 7th grade - Grandfather passed away

    7th grade - Grandfather passed away
    This was the first time I had to deal with death in my family. It was really hard.
  • Got Nellie - a one in a million dog

    Got Nellie - a one in a million dog
    Nellie is my best friend. She brings me so much joy, even though she can be very annoying at times! I am so thankful to have this dog in my life.
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    I have loved being a part of the tennis team for 5 years! I have had the privilege of being the varsity captain for 2 years. Tennis is something that I have worked very hard to succeed at. Unfortunately I had a really bad experience with my senior season, but I have grown from it.
  • 8th grade - Great Gramma passed away

    8th grade - Great Gramma passed away
    This was another really difficult death for me as I was very close with my Great Gramma and admired her tremendously.
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    Theatre is another passion of mine!
    It brought me to Mrs. Ellingson, our costuming director. She is now a close friend of mine who I look up to.
    I was also awarded the Evaluator Shoutout Award from Spotlight Hennepin Theatre Trust for a standout performance. This was a huge achievement for me as an actor and I am so honored that the judges recognized me!
  • 9th grade - Sister went off to college

    I am now an only child and have grown closer with my parents because of it.
  • Stopped Horseback Riding

    Stopped Horseback Riding
    I stopped horseback riding, which was a great love of mine, in order to focus more on tennis and theatre. It was hard for me to let go of this passion that I had for so long.
  • 10th grade - A hard year

    I started taking more difficult classes in 10th grade which made the year pretty overwhelming. This is the year that I started struggling with anxiety.
  • Got Driver's License

  • Summer trip to South Korea

    Summer trip to South Korea
    This was the trip of a lifetime! I am so thankful for the opportunity we had as a family to experience a culture completely different from our own. It was an amazing trip!
  • 11th grade - Decisions, decisions, decisions

    11th grade was when the college decision making process started for me
  • 11th grade - found a great group of friends

    11th grade - found a great group of friends
  • Nannied

    Nannying helped me discover how much I love working with families.
  • Started taking voice lessons

    This doesn't seem like a very important decision, but it was. I used to have a big fear of singing in front of people. I decided to take voice lessons to help improve my confidence. It's amazing what progress I have made!
  • 12th grade - College applications!

    Now I am making some really big decisions for my future.
  • 12th grade - Decided on major

    I want to pursue Speech Pathology and help children find their voice.
  • 12th grade - Car trouble

    I had a lot of car trouble this year, which was scary but it helped me learn how to deal with real world situations and take responsibility for when I make a mistake.
  • 12th grade - Grampa passed away

    12th grade - Grampa passed away
    My grampa passed away. It was really difficult for my family. I was very close with him and admired his character greatly. I miss him every day, but I know that he is in a better place now.
  • 12th grade - Got accepted into colleges!

    I have gotten accepted into all 9 colleges that I applied for! It is exciting and I still have yet to decide where to go!
  • College

    I will make my decision on where to go for college by May 1st. Pray for me!
  • Career

    Hopefully I am pursuing a career that I love and gives me a sense of fulfillment!