Over time the Agricultural improvements have been changed proving that Globalization Has changed over time.
By dannelleb17
Barbed Wire
" Glidden bared wire patented; fencing of rangland ends era of unrestricted, open-range grazing" ( Growing A Nation). Having livestock restricted to one area made it easier on farmers to maintain. -
Amount of Fertilizer Used
"Average annual consumption of commercial fertilizer 3,738,300 tons" ( Growing a Nation). Using fertilizer was one way that farmers could improve the yield of there crops. -
Tilling Decreases Erosion
"More farmers use no-till or low till methods to curb erosion" ( Growing a Nation). Using this method cut down on the erosion of land which also improved other aspects of farming. -
First Insect repellent
"The first weed and insect- resistant biotech crops- soybeans and cotton- are available commercially" ( Growing a Nation). Having crops that was protected against insects meant that the quality of the crop was improved.