The triple Alliance
-Germany, Austria-hungary, & Italy formed the Triple Alliance
-Three countires agreed to support each other if attacked by France or Russia -
The Triple Entente is Formed
-Britian, France, and Russia formed the Triple Entente
- Russia feared the growth in the German Army, joined Britain and France to form the Triple Entente -
Austria-Hungary takes control of Bosnia
-Austria anounced annexation of Bosnia
-The Ottoman Empire, Russia, Britain, Serbia, Italy, Montenegro, Germany and France took an interest in these events. -
Archduke Franz Ferdinand is assassinated in Sarsjevo
-Ferdinand & his wife Sophie were killed by Serb nationalist Gavrilo Princip while on a visit to Sarajevo
-this event sparked the outbreak of World War I -
Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
-This Occurs after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
-Austria-Hungary declared what was expected to be a short war against Serbia -
Germany invaded Belgium
-This invasion horified the world because it was seen as the Germans trampeling the rights of a small neutral coutry in violation of international law
-This invasion brought Britain into the War -
A German U-Boat sinks the Lusitania
- . The sinking of the Lusitania heightened tensions between the U.S. and Germany and helped sway American opinion in favor of joining the war -Of the 1,959 people on board, 1,198 died. The toll of civilians killed in this disaster shocked the world.
The first battle of the Somme begins
-21,000 men were killed on the first day
-At the end of the day 19,000 of the attackers lay died and another 38,000 were missing or wounded.
-British only gained a section of the German front line in the south. Nothing at all had been secured in the north. -
the Zimmerman note is discovered
-Zimmermann proposed a German-Mexican alliance, Mexico's recovery of the territory lost in the Mexican-American War
-British intercepted the message, and turned it over to the Americans -
The United States Declares war on Germany
-Most Americans sided with the Allies
-they did not want to join the fight.
In 1917vthe Americans began to mobilize for war for two reasons: to ensure the repayment of debts to the U.S. & to prevent a German threat to U.S. shipping