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Our Mindset Journey

  • In the Beginning...

    In the Beginning...
    Bill and I began researching Brainology and discussing how mindset professional development would look in our building.
  • Staff Interest Percolates

    Staff Interest Percolates
    Staff members participating in the "How to Plan Rigorous Instruction" book study demonstrated interest in professional learning about mindset.
  • Beginning with Staff

    Beginning with Staff
    We began our journey with Bill introducing our professional growth focus of mindset for the upcoming school year. He invited staff members to read the book Mindset by Carol Dweck, providing a copy to those desiring the summer reading.
  • Twitter

    Bill began our PLC on Twitter to encourage learning about mindset.
  • Sessions at PPLCI

    Sessions at PPLCI
    Bill and I presented a workshop at PPLCI.
  • Moonlight's Mindset

    Moonlight's Mindset
    Moonlight modeled the growth mindset for us!
    Bill began sharing information via
  • Overview Video

    Overview Video
    A Youtube video showing fixed versus growth mindset.