Narrative #1: First meeting
Undocumented immigrant from Mexico in late 50s. Immigrant has been previously interviewed by Our Journey but will remain anonymous. -
Period: to
Digital publication progress
Period: to
Time in Rio Grande Valley
Narrative 1: Second meeting
Narrative 1: Final interview
Fuerza del Valle: First interview
Justice Bus event in Houston
Sacred Heart Church: First visit
The Sacred Heart Church in McAllen, Texas is helping immigrants by providing them temporary shelter, food, and other necessities. Hundreds of women and children go through here weekly, drawing mass attention from the federal government and international humanitarian groups. -
Convivio Popular with workers from around the RGV
Interview with farm worker
Second visit to Sacred Heart church
Joined Human Rights Coalitin of South Texas
Interview with Antonio Orendain
Second interview with farm worker
Demonstration outside of Border Patrol detention center
Launched Humanity is Borderless Campaign
Planned National Humanitarian Vigil thru Humanity is Borderless
Period: to
Estimated editing timespan
Period: to
Estimated publishing timespan
Estimated completion date.