Period: to
Industrial Age (1700s-1930s)
Typewriter(1800)- for us, typewriter is the most reliable tools for paperworks before. It has so many advantage like it does not need electricity but it also has disadvantage like when your mispelled something you have to redo it entirely. We encountered typewriter when we were elementary, the very first time we use. It was very challenging since there was no room for error but at the same we are amazed by it. -
Period: to
Electronic Age (1930s-1980s)
Transistor radio is a small portable radio receiver. We barelt encounter transistor radio but we have used it atleast once in a while. We use it to listen for news or music.
Television(1941) is the most used technology in a common household during this age. We usually watch dramas or news in television.
Personal computer(1968)- we encountered when we were kids but we officially used it when we were in highschool, because we're living in the age where technology rapidly progress. -
Period: to
Information Age (1900s-2000s)
Facebook(2004)-this is the first social network that we have used. It connects people around the world and it let's you share moments of your life.
Youtube(2005)-we use youtube to stream music, watch documentaries, vlogs and missed tv show and more.
Google(1996) plays a huge paet with our studies since we use it to gather information and look for references.
Portable computer-laptops(1980)- we use it for making documents, powerpoint, and excel we also use it to browse internet