Ottoman Empire

  • 1280

    Osman is born

    Osman is the founder of the Ottoman Empire
  • Period: 1280 to

    The life of the ottoman empire

    The last Sultan is overthrown (Mohammed IV)
  • 1299

    Osman's principality becomes independent from Konya

    Osman declares the independence of his small principality from Konya
  • 1326

    Sultan Orchan

    Orchan ruled from 1326 to 1359. He helped to form the Ottoman state.
  • 1359

    Murad I

    Murad I ruled from 1359 to 1389. He oversaw a massive expansion of the Ottoman empire.
  • 1361

    Edirne is captured

    Murad I captures Edirne. It becomes the third Ottoman capital and the head-quarter for expansion.
  • 1389

    Bayezid I (The Thunderbolt)

    Bayezid I ruled from 1389 to 1402.
  • Period: 1403 to 1413

    Civil war

    With Bayezid dead the Ottoman fell into civil war, by the end of which Mehemd I was Sultan.
  • 1421

    Murad II

    Murad II ruled from 1421 to 1444. He ended his rule by abdicating to his son.
  • 1444

    Mehmed II

    Mehmed II ruled from 1444 to 1446. He was only 12 when his father abdicated. He only ruled for two years until Ottoman war zones demanded his father return to power.
  • 1451

    Mehmed II (The Conqueror)

    In 1451 Mehmed II retuned to rule for a second time. This time he changed history. He captured Constantinople and dominated Anatolia and the Balkans. He ruled until 1481.
  • 1453

    Mehmed captures Constantinople

  • Period: 1453 to 1481

    The height of the Ottoman Empire

    During this time period the Ottoman Empire flourished.
  • 1483

    Costaninople is renamed Istanbul

  • 1541

    Budapest is conquered

    The Ottomans conquer Budapest, leading to the addition of Hungary to the Ottoman Empire.
  • 1566

    Selim II

    Selim II ruled from 1566 to 1574. He marked the decline of the Sultanate.
  • The Ottomans are driven out of Iraq

  • The Ottomans are driven out of Hungary