4000 BCE
Before 4000 BC -
2500 BCE
The Flood
Before 2500 BC -
2197 BCE
The Tower of Babel
2067 BCE
Call of Abraham
2066 BCE
Isaac is born
1978 BCE
Esau sells birthright to Jacob
1886 BCE
Joseph is made ruler of Egypt
1875 BCE
Jacob moves to Egypt
1446 BCE
The Exodus
1406 BCE
Conquest of Jericho
1169 BCE
1143 BCE
Call of Samuel
1075 BCE
1043 BCE
Saul becomes king
1003 BCE
David becomes king of all Israel
966 BCE
The Temple is built
931 BCE
The kingdom divides
930 BCE
Jeroboam II of Israel begins to rule
863 BCE
Elijah's ministry begins
857 BCE
Fall of Samaria
790 BCE
Uzziah of Judah begins to rule
739 BCE
Isaiah's ministry begins
627 BCE
Jeremiah's ministry begins
586 BCE
Fall of Jerusalem
538 BCE
Daniel is made viceroy of Babylon
537 BCE
Edict of Cyrus the Great
536 BCE
Zerubbabel's return to the land
457 BCE
Ezra's return to the land
444 BCE
Nehemiah's return to the land