OSFC U8 AO2 Outdoor Education

By samaki
  • scouting movmnet founded by robert powell

    robert powell was a lieutenant-general in the British Army, writer and founder of the Scout Movement and first Chief Scout of The Boy Scouts.
  • ROSPA established,inform much of school risk procedures

    This was created to improve the health and safty of the schools outdoor eduation.
  • counrtyside code was published for the first time

    the countryside coad was created mainly to encourage people to look after and respect the countryside more.
  • the kinder trespass

    the kinder tresspass was a mass tresspass that was undertaken at Kinder Scout, in the Peak District of Derbyshire to highlight that walkers in England and Wales were denied access to areas of open countryside.This was a protest to alow people to have the right to roam.
  • john dewey poineered the importance of experimental education

    john dewey poineered the importance that childen can learn more through exeriencing things
  • first UK outward bound centre

    Outward Bound is an international, non-profit, independent, outdoor education organization with 40 schools around the world and over 200,000 participants per year joining in the activites.The first Outward Bound centre was opened in Aberdovey, Wales in 1941 by Kurt Hahn and Lawrence Holt.
  • National parks and acsess to the countryside act

    this act was a result of the kinder trespass and the act provided the framework for the creation of National Parks and Areas of the Natural Beauty in England and Wales, this also addressed public rights of way and access to open land.
  • the countryside commission established

    The Countryside Commission was a statutory body in England and Wales, and later in England only.
  • The second UK outward bound centre, eskdale

    Eskdale was the first organisation in great britain to start outdoor enducation. the village is centered around a small st. bega's church and hall
  • Peak district becomes the first national park

    The Peak District is an upland area in central and northern England, lying Derbyshire, and became the first national park
  • Kurt hahn founded the DofE

    The Duke of Edinburgh's Award was launched in the United Kingdom in 1956 by Prince Philip and The Duke of Edinburgh at the instigation of Kurt Hahn, the educational pioneer.The Award is a balanced programme that offers activities available to all young people between the ages of 14-24 that develops the whole person in an environment of social interaction and team work skills.
  • Kenneth oldham conducted outdoor education for childern and wrote the first guid to the pennine way

    to 1983 kennith oldham conducted a guid on outdoor educastion for young people
  • Outward bound goes to the USA

    the first president of Outward Bound USA this inspired US legislation approving a training and development model to prepare Peace Corps volunteers in Puerto Rico. This first camp, and then the more famous Colorado school, became OBUSA's first presence in the USA
  • MLTB founded

    is the qualification board for qualifications in mountaineering and climbing for candidates and centres from England
  • pennine way completed

    The Pennine Way is a National Trail in England. The trail runs 267 miles
  • Institute for outdoor learning began

    the institute for outdoor learningencourages outdoor learning by developing quality, safety and opportunity to experience outdoor activity provision.
  • National crriculum was created

    the national curriculm was created and because of this in all schools P.E is now a compulsery subject to teach. this was to give the young people more oppertunites to do sport and outdoor education.
  • lyme bay tragedy

    The Lyme Bay tragedy involded a group of eight schoolchildren and their teacher from Southway Community College, Plymouth that were accompanied by two instructors from an outdoor centre on a kayak trip strainght away they had errors and this resulted in the deaths of four teenagers of the group. this thenled to legislation to regulate adventure activities centres working with young people in the UK.
  • adventure activiteis licensing authority created

    adventure activiteis licensing authority also know as ALAA oversees every element of outdoor education in the counrty
  • activity act created

    the act was put into plce after the lymr bay tragedy.when the adventur act was created the Government proposes to remove the licensing of adventure activities such as trekking, water sports, caving and climbing for the safty for young people under the age of 18 and instead introduce a code of practice that the HSE will oversee and monitor.
  • lyn cook published the first book documenting the history of OE in the UK

    lyn cook published his book in 1999 witch was the first book that had documented the history of outdoor education in the UK and how it had changed over the years
  • countryside agency formed (the countryside commission and rural development commission merged)

    the countryside agency improved the quality of the rural environment and the lives of those living in it.
  • countryside and rigths of way act of 2000

    the countryside and rights of way acyt was an act that was the result of the kinder trasspass. the act aslo known as Crow. The Act implements the right to roam and rights to create new paths where needed, is being conducted under the Act.
  • PE now includes outdoor education

    The PE curriculum now includes outdoor education but it is not compulsary to the subject
  • october river-walking on a school trip leads to two girls from royds comprehensive drownding in stainforth beck, settle

    the drowning of to girls on atrip lead to raised awarned that people need to have better qualifications when doing certain outdoor activites
  • WGL award begins

    the walking group leader award also known as the WGL award was desinged th train and assesses candidates in the skills required to lead groups in non-mountainous, moors, fell and down
  • glenriddling beck drowning

    the insident consisted of 12 year eight puples who were on a trip plunge pooling. the trip went horribly wrong with unqualified teachers and not proper health and safty checks of the enviroment for intance on the day of the instace it was wet,raining and cold. this created awarness and lead to more legislation
  • lord adonis manifesto,pledges one major outdoor education trip per puple while at school

    in 2005 lord adonis manifesto who was the lister from tadcaster grammer school pledged that puples need oneor more major outdoor education while at school
  • joseph lister from tadcaster grammer school died potholing on a school trip

    the goverment promoted what lord admonis was doing but it back fired and joseph lister from tadcaster grammer school died while on an outdoor enducation trip.
  • countryside and right of way act of 2000 implemented

    in 2005 The new rights, for which people have been campaigning for years came into effect across all of England Iand and wales clearly identifying open access land.
  • PE curriculum mentions outdoor education as a means to provide challenging oppertunites.

    the curriculm changed so that people in schools could have more oppertunites to take part in outdoor education so that it is safer for puples and teachers have guidlines to follow
  • safe practice in pe and school sports is updated

    safe practce is a book that schools and collages have to buy them selves if they want to do certain sports or activites that have a high heath and safty risk. it also makes sure that you have the qualifications that you need to have to do certain activites.