600 BCE
Athenian Democracy
The Athenian Democracy is a government that was greatly influential on our government today. It was a democracy, but it still had multiple differences from our government today. They had a system in which representatives would be picked at random, in which the US today has a system in which representatives are elected to represent a group of people. -
509 BCE
Roman Republic
The Roman Republic was a government in which citizens could elect their representatives. This government style was efficient, but there was also a very high chance of corruption. Roman rulers used this system of government in order to get people to vote for them in fraudulent ways, and to win elections. This was even a problem in our own government, and there were many issues with such things in the past. -
Thomas Hobbes
Hobbes had many ideas that the Founding Fathers loves, such as Unalienable Rights, the Social Compact, and Limited Government.
The Founding Fathers disagreed with Hobbes about the fact that “The Government should have absolute power over it’s subjects”. -
William Blackstone
The laws of a country were meant to protect the citizen’s rights. “Although the leaders of the American Revolution necessarily rejected Blackstone’s views on popular sovereignty and the right to revolution, the framers of the Constitution found themselves returning to Blackstone’s analysis of legal principles in developing a system to govern the former colonies”. I see this reflected in lots of protection laws in the laws of the United States. -
John Locke
In a social contract, the people have the right to protest when the government exceeds their rights. If the government continues to exceed their rights, then the people have the right to protest for their rights. This influenced the founding fathers to give us the right to protest for our rights and others. -
Baron de Montesquieu
The roles of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches are each essential.
The executive branch is the branch that executes laws, and the one who puts them into the books.
The legislative branch is the one that signs the laws in.
The judicial branch is the one in which disputes are handled. -
George Washington
The seven precedents are a list of precedents in which George Washington declares the parts of the government to be made, and the limits of each of them. Some give people their rights. The seven precedents also give executive branch the opportunity to take care of the president if he is misbehaving, if that means bringing him out of the presidential office. -
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson helped found the Democratic Republic. He opposed a strong centralized government. The core beliefs and disbeliefs of these governments are very opposite. One believed that the people should have more say in what the government does, while, for example, the French believed that the government should have all the say in it. -
James Madison
Madison helped with The Federlist and the Bill of Rights. In a country, he supposed that factions could be a problem in government. He said that factions could have uprisings, and could leave no room for other factions, or the government completely. -
Articles of Confederation
https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FArticles_of_Confederation&psig=AOvVaw2cCdykGW5l4kPCarJ4P3Vm&ust=1696552464679000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CA4QjRxqFwoTCLD_xsrU3YEDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD Executive, Legislative, and Judicial were not included in the first parts of the Articles of Confederation. The congress had the right to fund parts of the state and federal law. -
Declaration of Independence
Today, I would say that the United State’s mission is mostly focused on making sure that we are known as the best country in the world. I believe that this isn’t a necessity, and that we should focus more on preventing climate change. -
The Constitution
https://media.cnn.com/api/v1/images/stellar/prod/130306205822-the-bill-of-rights.jpg?q=x_63,y_102,h_1389,w_2471,c_crop/h_720,w_1280 Search and seizure is a very important one, because it shows us what the difference of invasion of privacy and government authority to find evidence. -
Bill of Rights
I believe that the school should have been punished for their violation of the student’s first amendment rights. I do not agree with the Court’s decision, because of the fact that there are many cases in which this has happened before, and they have passed laws or punished people for simply expressing themselves.