Philisophical Roots of Psychology P:2
Another important question was that they always debated about back in the times, was called the mind-body problem, this involves the the relationship between our 'Human mind and the Human body'. their question was that wheather our mind and body are distinct or are they separate entities, or even perhaps were they one whole piece that is together. -
French Philosopher Rene Descartes Part 1
Rene Descartes proposed that the human mind and the body are separted, but they both interact through the brain.
His theory is called dualism, his theory was that the mind and body are two different things, he reason that the mind, is a none physical spiritual enity, where the body is a physical, fleshy structure. He also believed that the mind and body come into contact through the pineal glad, the tiny structure located deep inside our brains. -
French Philosopher Rene Descartes Part 2
He believed when the brain and mind interact with each other, they produce, sensations, feelings and other conscious experiences.
The Mind Brain problem essentially involves the questions about the relationship between brain activity and conscious experience: This means the relationship between our brain does and our awareness of our own exixtence and activities
of objects and events in the external world. -
Structuralism Wilhelm Wundt
Wilhelm Wundt was a german scientist, he was trained in medicine who was specfically interested in the scientific study of human consiousness. During this radical at the time because of consciousness couldn't be directly obseved. Since Wundt couldn't see he consciousness, he thought if he break it down to tiny little pieces, perhaps he could.Counsciousness is something youre thinking about, the person who observes you,wouldn't know what youre thinking and wouldnt be able to see. -
Functionalism - William James
William James was influence to go deeper when he was studying at lishing psychology in America. His descriptions of consciousness is that its a never ending, constantly changing stream of thoughts, feelings and sensation, by functionalism, it is defined as focuses on studying the functions or purpose that mental processes serve in enabling people to adapt to their enviornment. -
Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud
Sigmund Freud saw a new perspective in psychology, he wanted to go deeper in studying unconscious, this was something which was much more complex compared to being conscious, because this is studying about both structuralism and functionalism. This approach was very different from the other perspectives which has been said. Psychoanalysis, was developed by the Austrian Doctor named Sigmund Freud.
Pyschoanalysis focuses on the roles of unconscious conflicts of mental processes and behaviour -
Psyhoanalysis Sigmund Freud part 2
According to Freud, we get glimpses of our unconscious impulses, for example they can be dreams, memory blocks, slips of tongues.
Anopther Important aspect of psychoanalysis as described bby Freud is that our past experiences especially early child hood experiences, are very important in the development of our personality and behaviours. -
Behaviourism John B. Watson
He proposed that psychoalogy should focus on the scientific study of Obserable behaviours that could be objectively measuredd and confirmed by other researchers. By Behaviourism it involves understanding and explaing how behaviour is learned and moulded by experience. -
Classic Perspectives And Theories In Psychology
The starting date of psychology as a science is considered to be in 1879, its the year in which the first psychology research laboratory was established by Wilhelm Wundt. Each perspective had its own theories of behaviours and mental processes. The perspectives were known as schools of psychology or schools of thoughts. they included structuralism, functionalism, psychoanalysis, behaviourism and humanism. Each school which was taught this, had their own leader. -
Classic Perspectives And Theories In Psychology Part 2
They came up a way to determine if they're studying and understanding psychology properly, this was there so they can list down, their focus of study, their method of study and their theories based on behaviours or mental processes which are usuallly best described and explained. -
Scientific Roots Of Psychology
Philosophical had many dicussions on nature vs nature and mind-body, but they have contributed a significant amount of work and documents into psychology's understanding and their interpretation was understood. They also explained to us that their was two factors in Psychologgy. Mental process and behaviours, they could only this to a certain point. During the 1900's many of the questions which couldn;t be answer'd was answer'd. -
Scientific Roots Of Psychology Part 2
German Scientist was a physiology, physiology means the study of living things, physiology tend to be specialise in the structure and function of living thingsg, maily humans. In the 1900 psychologist began to start on studying and researching about the brain and other psychologically relevant strucutres, such as the nervous system and sensory organs. -
Structuralism Wilhelm Wundt Part 2
His perspectives and theories, scientific research findings and articles on the structure of consciousness led to the establistment of the first school of thought in psychology, which was called strucrualism. By the term structuralism it means, focused on the structures of conciousness. Wundt also defines psychology, as the study of conciousness. -
Humanism - Carl Rogers.
Humanism is also called humanistic psychology. Humanism is a approach to understanding and explainging behaviour and mental proces that focuses on the uniqueness of each individual person and the positive qualities and potential of humans being to fulfil their lives. His Personality Theory was proposed that our personality develops as we strive to overcome the various hurdles that we face, to do our best. Carl Rogers theory was the theory of personality, which became prominent in the 1960 -
Philosophical Roots Of Psychology P:1
The Greek Philosopher Socrates and his followers Plato and Aristole, they wrote a book about all kinds of human thoughts, feelings, behaviours and human nature in general. They studied about dreams, memory, senses of plain and pleasure. They also came up with a question which was, are humans born good or evil? they also wonder, do humans, behaviour, thoughts and feelings are based on their aquired from their genes or is it through life experience.