Haceb hd jpg

Origin and evolution of Haceb

  • the beginning

    the beginning
    Jose María Acevedo began performing electrical repairs in a small garage in the city of Medellin.
  • Period: to

    Origin and evolution of Haceb, By Dahyana Hencker

  • begins manufacturing

    begins manufacturing
    José María Acevedo begins manufacturing its own products
  • starts with the manufacture of kitchens

    starts with the manufacture of kitchens
  • it extends its product line

    it extends its product line
    It extends the product line with electric cooktops
  • new line

    new line
    creates the line of heaters
  • Start a new production

    Start a new production
    it began production of porcelanizado refrigerators
  • Builds a plant

    Builds a plant
    The refrigeration plant is built
  • line production begins

    line production begins
    begins production of the line of ovens and accessories for kitchens
  • are released to market

    are released to market
    a new line of gas stoves is released on the market
  • Seal of quality ICONTEC

    Seal of quality ICONTEC
    Obtained the seal of quality of ICONTEC for refrigerators
  • are released to market

    are released to market
    a new line of gas covers and stoves is released to market
  • Construction of branch

    Construction of branch
    Construction of offices in Cali, Bogotá and Eje cafetero
  • are released to market

    are released to market
    a new line of gas ovens is released on the market
  • Certification ISO 9001

    Certification ISO 9001
    achieved the certification iso 9001 to the refrigeration plant
  • Seal of quality ICONTEC

    Seal of quality ICONTEC
    It reached the quality label icontec for new products that are powered by gas
  • presents the new line of refrigeration

    presents the new line of refrigeration
    presents the line of commercial refrigeration: freezers, coolers and dispensers
  • new model

    new model
    It began with a new organizational model to expand the product portfolio
  • award portafolio to the best service in the country

    award portafolio  to the best service in the country
    obtained award portafolio to the best service in the country
  • Call center

    Call center
    We implemented the call center for better service and quality
  • new organizational model

    new organizational model
    began a new organizational model for growth in all aspects
  • overcome obstacle :D

    overcome obstacle :D
    arose a disadvantage in the global economy and HACEB continued to improve its products
  • transfer of areas

    transfer of areas
    some areas are transferred to the headquarters of antioquia copacabana
  • released to market

    released to market
    the new line of refrigerators, dispensers, cookers and freezers is released on the market.
  • consolidated company multibrand

    consolidated company multibrand
    HACEB implements new products and consolidates a multi-brand company
  • Haceb acquired the brand icasa

    Haceb acquired the brand icasa
    Haceb acquired the brand icasa
  • New technologies

    New technologies
    It acquired technology that allowed it to optimize its production and expansion; and improved its product portfolio
  • certification ISO 900-2000

    certification  ISO 900-2000
    obtained the certification iso 9001 for its cooling and heating processes
  • certification iso 1401 (2004)

    certification iso 1401 (2004)
    achieved iso 14001 environmental certification
  • new headquarters

    new headquarters
    builds haceb in Ecuador
  • new headquarters

    new headquarters
    Built haceb of venezuela and mexico, new advances in machinery and technology
  • New plant of refrigerators

    New plant of refrigerators
    New plant of refrigerators