This is the creation of the NAC and who would like to be on it. They will determine the porblem, solution, data collection and implementaiton of the project. The will also deal with the asessment portion. -
Period: to
Determing the Problem
Trying to figure out why the attrition rate at the online division is some much different that on the residential campuses. -
This is where surveys and mind maps will help to determine the difference between the two attrition rates. -
this meeting will determine the solution to the problem -
This is where the group determines and starts to brain storm ideas to create the onlione project -
More formtive assessmentare done to to continue to get the best orientationprogram for the online division -
Data Collection
The data collection begins -
Budget Meeting
Fiscal realities -
Review of Data
Start Implementation
Commence implmentation -
Assessment on current implementation -
Roll out of Program
Program goes live for the new online IT students -
Period: to
Summative assessment