
Orgins of Contemporary Psychology (John Huynh)

  • French Philosopher Rene descartes

    French Philosopher Rene descartes
    French Plilosopher Rene Descrates theory which was called dualism was that the mind and body are two different things. Rene theory was that the mind is a non-physical spiritual thing and that the body is a physical structure and that both came into contact thorugh the pineal gland, located in the brain.
  • Wilhelm Wundt

    Wilhelm Wundt
    Wilehelm Wundt was a German psysiolgist. He was trained in medicine and was intrerested in the scientific study of human consciousness. Wilhelm Wundt in 1897 open a university where he and his students could study/experiment on consciousness. Wilehelm wasa major influence in the development of psychology and over the years 17,000 students went to his lectures.
  • William James

    William James
    William James was a influence in the development of psychology in America. After graduating from university as a medical doctor, William because very interested in the emerging science of psychology after reading one of Wundt's articles. In 1890 James published two books called principles of psychology which presented ideas on a range of topics like consciousness, relationships between conscious experience and the body, individual differences, sensation, perception, memory and emotion.
  • Sigmund Freud

    Sigmund Freud
    In the early stages of psychology, Wundt and James focused on the study of conscious but as time went to the 20 century a new perspective in psychology was focus, it was unconscious. The approach was very different from other perspectives said psychoanalysis and was developed by the Austrian doctor Sigmund Freud. According to Freud, our unconscious is below our level of conscuous. Freud believed that our unconscious contained sexual and aggressive needs and also our urges and impulse.
  • John B. Watson

    John B. Watson
    John B. Watson was a huge inpact on the devolopment of psychology as a scientific discipline by influencing psychologist to change from study conscious to behaviour. John disagree with Wundt and James and the emphasis on the unconscious study by Freud. He purposed that pschology should study the observable behaviour, John also promoted the idea of the goal of psychology to be describem predict, inderstand and control behavior. John didn't reject the thoery of consciousness and unconscious .
  • German Physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz

    German Physiologist Hermann von Helmholtz
    Hermann von Helmholtz developed a method of measuring the speed of nerve impulses in a frog's leg. This along with a messages from hormones which enable us to think, feel and behave as we do. After his successful method of testing with frogs, Hermann than went on to studying humans. Hermann learned that there are different reaction time in the human body. Depending on where it is on the human it takes longer or shorter to react. These result open the eyes of scientists.
  • Carl Rogers

    Carl Rogers
    American clinical psychologist Carl Rogers was the founder and leader of humanism. Humanism studys metanl processes and behaviour. Roger also rejected behaviourism because he believed that it focus on far too much experimental evidence and obserbable behaviour. Roger promoted that our individuals selfhave free will and are freely to choose how we behave in whatever way desired, meaning we can also control our own. Roger also belive that we have the protential to because great in our own ways.
  • Greek philosopher Socrates (BC)

    Greek philosopher Socrates (BC)
    Philsopher Socrates (470-399 BC), Plato, Aristole wrote about human thoughts, feelings and behaviour and the nature of a human. Socrates and his followers wrote about the theory of huaman eatting, sleeping, human memory, their senses, peasure and pain, imagination, desire, if humans are born good or evil, if human are rational or irrational beings, as well as other aspects of the human mind.