in 1994 ,less tha 1%of the 280 imported bananas samples had violative residues
268 samples analyzed in 1996 were free of any violative residues
FDA analyzed 4,501 domestic food samples and 5,342 imported food
from the survey in 1997, FDA reporteed violative resiues in domestic foods in 16 of 1,1719(1.2%) fruits and 41 of 1,7079(2.4%) vegetables
359 samples of bananas analyzed by FDA in 1997
$1billion dollar inin 1990 is now over $26 billion dollars a year (organic fod industry)
unless eating habits changes obesity rate could be around 44% in every state within 20 years
NBC news -
more then half of the people in 39 sttes will be cosidered obese by 2030
NBC news