Oregon Trail

  • Period: to

    Oregon Trail

  • Going west

    Going west
    Me and the family are heading west to see the new rich land for farming and a new life. We are heading independence missouri to start our journey west.
  • Ganging up

    Ganging up
    Just arrived at independence missouri, Ganging up with other foreigners heading west. We are almost done packing our supplies.
  • Heading into the unkown

    Heading into the unkown
    We finally set off on our long journey west. It was very hard because a lot of wagon drivers were racing to get in the front to avoid the dust. We couldnt travel that fast because the wagons traveled 2 miles an hour and we didnt want to exhaust our mules.
  • Tired and Exhausted

    Tired and Exhausted
    We were following the Platte river and we were crossing the endless plain. We didnt have a single area for shade. Somtimes there were violent storms that ripped the wagon covers off and blew away our tents away.
  • Meeting Indians

    Meeting Indians
    Today we came across Indians. We were very scared of them because of how fierce they looked. They were good hunters with bows and arrows and we didnt want to test them. We had to pay a toll or we would be sent back.
  • Buffalo Problems

    Buffalo Problems
    Today on the plains we saw a herd of stampedeing buffalos. Some of the other men tried to kill the buffalo for some fresh meat but instead caused them to stampede towards us. The buffalos made our animals panic.
  • Disgusting Meals

    Disgusting Meals
    Dont even mention of food. Most of the food we brought was spoiled. The only source of water came from a muddy river that was filled with diseases like cholera. We had to eat dried meat, beans and boiled floor after they have been already spoiled.
  • River crossing

    River crossing
    I was glad I knew swimming because most people werent taught at school but my uncle taught me to cross rivers. There werent any bridges so the wagons had to go on the water.
  • Fort Laramie

    Fort Laramie
    today we stoped at the fort laramie to fix the wagons, wash our clothes, buying new animals and supples for the journy over the mountains, and resting for the last part of the journy
  • lightening the load

    lightening the load
    Today we passed a wagon that was stuck because they didnt have anything to pull their wagon, since we had a extra mule we gave it to them. after we got rid of the extra mule we had to get rid of some things that we did need like a grandfather clock and a dresser to lighten the load enough for the mules to pull
  • the last lap

    the last lap
    today we past over the tockies and we had to raft down the columbia river and some of the other pioneers did from mountain fever anc scurvy
  • Journey's end

    Journey's end
    At last we finally reached oregon and we claimed some of the land but its covered in trees. we want to rest but we to build a house to live in before we can rest and before that we have to clear trees out for farming. im beginging to think it would have been better to stay back home away from here.