Inscriptions aux concours prepas 2010 des ecoles de commerce le nombre de candidats en progression

Order Of Progression : )

  • Transendentalist

    This moment in literature called for a "Return in nature" its beliefs were that man should rely upon himself and not society .
  • Abolitionist

    The goal of the abolistionist movement was the immediate emancipation of all slaves and the end of the racial discrimination and segragation.
  • Temperance

    The temperance movement was an organized effort to encourage moderation in the comsumption of the intoxicatiing liqours or press for compete abstinence.
  • Seneca Falls

    Seneca Falls
    The seneca Falls convention was a influential womens right convention. It was viewed by others as a revolutionary beginnig to the struggle by women for complete equally with men.
  • Progressives

    Progressives were the people who worked to rid America of its many problems. some of the problems that they worked on were:
    Alcohol Abuse
    Child labor
    Corruption in city government and More.
  • Radical Republicans

    Radical Republicans
    Radicial Republicans believed that freed slaves should have complete equality with white citizens. they also opposed the Fugitive Slave Act and Kansas-Nebraska Act
  • Labor Unions

    Labor Unions
    Organized Labor Unions fought for:
    Better Wages
    Reasonable Hours
    Safer work conditions
    The labor movements led efforts to:
    step child labor
    give health benefirs
    provide aid to workers who were injured or retired
  • Populist

    The populist was a response to the failure of the other parties to address the concerns of rural americans. Advocating increased:
    currency issues
    free coinage of gold and silver
    public owership of railroads
    graduated Federal income tax
  • Free Soils Party

    Free Soils Party
    A Political party that opposed the extension of slavery into the Western territories .