Order of Progression

  • Period: to

    Order of progression

  • Transenddentails

    the prominet writers Walt Witman, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Henry David Thoreau believed man should rely upon themsleves and not people in the soceity.
  • Temperance

    christion women in the temperance movemnt began to speak out against the evils of alcahol.
  • Seneca Falls

    Seneca Falls
    Susan B. Anthony and Eilizabeth C. Staton assembled a group of women to met and discuss equality at senca falls.
  • Free Soil Party

    Free Soil Party
    the free soil part was a third party that was anti-slavery and fought to stop the spread to the west.They opposed slavery in the new lands and worked to remove existing laws that went against newly freed slaves.
  • Abolitionist

    the abolitionists William Loyd garrison, who wrote the anti-slavery newspaper called the liberator, and Freddrick Douglas, who worte an newspaper called the north star, were on the pursuit of getting rid slavery and the laws that discriminate.
  • Radical Republicans

    Radical Republicans
    The Radical Republicans rose for the republican party.During the war, Radical Republicans opposed Lincolns plans and tried to abolish slavery and give civil rights to the newly freed slaves after the war.
  • Populist

    This was the party of the early U.S. populist movement in which many farmers and workers enacted their anti-trust laws.
  • Progressives

    Robert M. La Follette or "fighting Bob" were mainly focused on getting America's economy back to normal and making changes.
  • Labor unions

    Labor unions
    Labor unions are legally organizations as the common voice of workers in many industries tell other of their working conditions and pay.