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World War I
Mustard Gas is deadly. Trench warfare was brutal. -
NCSS is Founded
Historical articles must be valued by the public, and the study of the past. -
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The Great Depression
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World War II
Pearl Harbor
Overview of Pearl Harbor AttackAttack by the Japanees on Pearl Harbor draws USA into WWII. -
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Korean War
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Civil Rights Movement
First Satellite Launched (Sputnik, Russia)
The launch of the space race. US vs. Russia for superiority in technology. -
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First Man in Spcae (Yuri Gagrin, Russia)
First Man on the Moon (Neil Armstrong, USA)
Triumph of US space program over Russia. -
Important information is kept from the public. It's reveal causes scandal and the impeachment of the President. -
Period: to
N.C.L.B Mandate in Schools
??? -
World Trade Center Attacks
Terrorist attack destroys the World Trade Center, and marks the begining of a drawn out war on the Middle East by the USA.