President Bush announces military actions against Iraq.
President Bush announces military actions against Iraq. -
Members of the 507th Maintenance Company are ambushed and captured outside Nasiriyah, Iraq.
Saddam Hussein's rule collapses in a matter of hours as much of Baghdad comes under American control.
President Bush declares that the military phase of the battle to topple Saddam Hussein's government is "one victory in a war on terror that began on Sept. 11th, 2001, and still goes on."
A suicide bomber drives a cement mixer full of explosives into the side of the United Nations compound in Baghdad and blows it up, killing 17 people and wounding at least 100
The C.I.A.'s former chief weapons inspector, David A. Kay, says American intelligence agencies failed to detect that Iraq's unconventional weapons programs were in a state of disarray.
Four Blackwater private security employees are killed in Falluja.
President Bush says he is deeply disgusted by photographs that show American soldiers smiling, laughing and holding their thumbs up as naked Iraqi.
Fifteen months after Saddam Hussein's removal from power, the American authorities transfer formal sovereignty of Iraq to its new leaders.
American military deaths in Iraq operations surpass the 1,000 mark.
Between 10,000 and 15,000 American soldiers and Marines backed by newly trained Iraqi forces move on Falluja.
Iraq begins a first free election.
Saddam Hussein goes on trial for the killing of 148 people in 1992.
United States forces declared a formal end to their operations of Iraq.
Saddam Hussein, once the all-powerful leader of Iraq, is arrested without a fight by American soldiers who find him crouching in an eight-foot hole at an isolated farm near Tikrit.