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Operation Desert Storm

  • Iraq invades Kuwait

    Iraq invades Kuwait due to a failing economy and accusations of slant drilling into their oil fields
  • The First Goals

    The First Goals of the Coalition were the Destruction of Iraqi Command and control bunkers, Scud Missile pads, Storage areas, telecommunications centers, Radio Facilities, and airfields.
  • It Begins

    2:38 AM, 8 AH-64 Apaches, and 4 CH-53 Pave Lows destroyed Iraqi Radar Sites near the Saudi border
  • Bombs Over Baghdad

    On January 17, 1991, at 3 am F-117 Nighthawks bombed Baghdad's International TV Station taking out all coverage of what was happening. Coming under fire from an estimated 3000 AA guns.
  • F-18 Down

    On the First night an F/A-18C from USS Saratoga was shot down when he and one other engaged an Iraqi MiG-25 in a BVR Kill the MiG Pilot fired an R-40D Missile and killed Lieutenant Commander Scott Speicher. He was the First american casualty of the war