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Only The Land Shall Remain

By toryp
  • Imagine/Generate

    Tory, Mary & Merle talk about a project to be performed at Pope Art in Terrace MN.
  • Period: to

    Only The Land Shall Remain

  • Plan/Prepare

    Tory talks with Craig Farmer about a VIsual Art component and Shannon Hannigan about poetry and contacting Will Weaver. Discussions with Janika about original music, and Social Studies teacher Bob Frey.
  • Plan/Prepare 2

    Plan/Prepare 2
    Shannon, Craig, Tory, Janika, Mary share family farm & rural stories with students first while gathering of all 80 students in same location.
  • Visual Art & historical context

    Visual Art & historical context
    Visual Arts Instructor Craig Farmer works with students on Visual Art aspects of "Gravestones Made of Wheat".
  • Music and Literary Explore/Focus

    Music and Literary Explore/Focus
    Janika Vandervelde's Songwriting class r& Literary Ars Jr's read "Gravestone of Wheat" with Literary Arts instructor Shannon Hannigan. Multiple discussions and wrting assignments ensue.
  • Theater--Explore/Incubate--Source-Work

    individual arts area- theater uses Anne Bogarts source-work and composition-work to create pieces based on themes of Death, Work, Water, Morning, and Children.
  • Theater and Dance Explore/Focus

    Theater and Dance Explore/Focus
    Theater and Dance students read "Gravestone Made of Wheat" with Literary Arts Instructor Shannon Hannigan. Writing Assignments ensue.
  • Explore-Incubate

    Tory and Mary make two visits to Oliver Kelley and phone prep- another state agency
  • Present/Peform/Refine

    Music and Literary Arts students present their songs and poetry in a coffeehouse fashion in PCAE's glassbox.
  • Dance Explore/Incubate

    Dance Explore/Incubate
    Dancers improvised on concepts of love/loss, view several site specific works (Bill T. Break, Fenestrations, Frozen Grand Central,Stephin Koplowitz) discuss landscape and historical time. DAncers chose original music and create 5 dances. Mary creates "Haunted House" with Eli Bentley and theater Students.Students choreographed Partner, Dancers orderProloguePartnerWorkHouseLoveWindHaunted House
  • Explore/Incubate

    Tory travels to Terrace to meet with Merle and videotape/photograph the space and environment.
  • Refine/Evaluate

    theater and dance came together, looked at everything, established a show order, started stealing/refining from each others work to create a holistic and unified performance.
  • Refining

    Refining You suggested, Maggie solo before funeral, you added dancers in 2 scenes 9 funeral, wedding monologue, theater replicated movement in the work scene, dance added gesture to partner danceReceived and Selected poetry from Literary Arts. Focused on work that had least contemporary references. Chose selections that had universal time and closely related themes to "Gravestone Made of Wheat".Added after
  • Present/Perform

    Travel 150 miles to Terrace, MN and arrive around 11:00 a.m., allow kids to aclimate to surrounding and begin dress and spacing rehearsal at 2:00 p.m. Finish about 5:00 p.m. to allow students opportunity to eat and ready themselves for the evening.
  • Present/Peform

    Perform at 12:00 p.m. (NOON) in Terrace, MN on the open field. 12 had many farm references for us and the time was specifically selected to re-enforce those references.
  • Spring Dance Concert

    Spring Dance Concert
    May 19-21 Dancers and Theater students perform the Dance pieces in the spring concert.
  • Reflect/Refine

    Periodically dancers, Musicians, Literary and Theater students come together to run and refine the performance for Oliver Kelley Farm.
  • Present/Perform

    MN OriginalPerform "Haunted House", "Water", and "Love" for TPT2's MN Original a weekly celebration of Minnesota artists, working in all disciplines, across all cultures. MN Original inspires viewers to think about the arts in new ways, increases visibility of Minnesota artists and arts venues and cultivates new audiences by promoting a deeper understanding of the creative process. MN Original provides educators valuable resources and documents the work of Minnesota’s creative community.
  • Perform

    Perform at 6:30 p.m. at Oliver Kelley Farm in Elk River, MN