Online Education: A Time Table of Milestones

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    Computerized Distance Learning

    In the 1980s, the digital world of distance learning emerged. Computer media software with interactive learning for distance education first appeared, laying the groundwork for future developments.
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    Video Development

    Also in the 1980s, the ability to record, produce, and develop 2-way video systems became available. (Wolfe, 2014). This added a competitive edge to the digital media capabilities that coincided with video productions.
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    The Birth of Online Education

    The inception of online education dates back to the 1990s. "where the trend started and was emerging. In this decade, the development of personal computers was on the rise. E-Learning became more simplified, and it was easier to learn skills online." (Arora, 2016).
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    The Internet is Born

    Online Education could not and would not be possible without the birth of the internet. The internet was born in the 1990s and quickly became a sensation for online learning and research.
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    Technology Leading Change in Online Higher Education

    Advancements in modern technologies in the first 5 years following the turn of the century brought significant change and improvement to the online learning atmosphere. - "The upgraded technologies, methodologies and software attracted more people to use PowerPoint tools and learning management systems (LMS)." (Arora, 2016).
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    Soaring Online Learning: Education Reaching New Heights

    From 2006 - 2010, online learning became a true reality and staple opportunity. Now an established and reputable source for furthering education, online learning was now a viable, cost-friendly, and flexible approach for higher education degree programs.
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    Today's Modernistic Online Learning

    The modern online learning experience includes an array of tools to help students and professors alike. Discussion board forums offer collaboration, engagement, and the idea of groupthink. Projects using Prezi, PowerPoint, Blackboard Collaborate, etc. offer an opportunity for presentations. Many resources are available to online learners, such as tech support, academic success counselors, and financial advisors. There are flexibility and blended programs available to suit student's needs.