Omar's Timeline

By OmarXO
  • The Birth of Omar

    The Birth of Omar
    November 25, 2002, I was born. 10:27 AM, I saw the light to my hospital room, I than saw my amazing mom, and dad.
  • First Day of 1st Grade

    First Day of 1st Grade
    You may ask yourself, why is 1st grade so important to you? Well, I don't know what happened to my friend in kindergarden, anyways I met this other person, which he later becomes my best friend. His name is Jairo. Till this day, we are still best friends. We're not best friends he's like my brother
  • First Day of Kindergarten :D

    First Day of Kindergarten :D
    The year 2006, my mom dropped me off to school, I thought she was leaving me forever so I thought she was evil. I cried and cried until this one kid gave me a toy to play with, and on that day, we became friends
  • My Homies

    My Homies
    On this year, it's officially my 6th grade year, this is where I found my real friends, and my friends I'll stay with.
  • The First Time I Listened To My Idol

    The First Time I Listened To My Idol
    I found out about The Weeknd. As soon as I listened to him, I loved his music. He has made me so happy, that no other girl can make me happy. No The Weeknd isn't a girl, nor I'm I gay. Anyways I'll continue to support him. Oh and this was also how I have a dirty mind now, thanks Abel :D.
  • Graduation Day of 8th Grade

    Graduation Day of 8th Grade
    This year was special, because not only i'm I going to high school, but i'll be seeing lots of beautiful girls, and of course girls who break hears. Anyways people used to tell me why I only have majorly 4 friends, I simply reply, "quality over quantity."
  • My First Girl

    My First Girl
    So, I finally had the confidence to ask out my crush that I was in "love" with. Reason why I put love in quotations is because I think there's no such thing as teenage love. Anyways so the date works out perfectly I ask her to be my girl, she says yes. My happiest moment
  • Grandma Passes Away...

    Grandma Passes Away...
    2016, was a rough year for me and my family... my grandma meant so much to me, she would always make me happy every time she came over to my house.Unfortunately, I didn't tell her everything I wanted to tell her.
  • Starboy Album Drops

    Starboy Album Drops
    So, I'm assuming The Weeknd knew it was my brithday, and he dropped his Starboy album. This album has really helped me through so much because like his songs make me happy...
  • Heartbreak

    Well... you can already guess by the title. So the girl I was heavily in love with, broke my heart. I will admit, I did cry for about a week. But hey I'm glad we broke up, it opened my eyes, it made me change... she don't deserve me anyways :)
  • Depression Era

    Depression Era
    So, The Weeknd finally dropped his EP called "My Dear Melancholy." How ironic that this EP is about his breakup, when I'm going through my breakup :/
  • My First Job

    My First Job
    So, I officially got my first seasonal job at the Pumpkin Patch. It was only 1 month, but hey it was easy money. Not only was this month important, but I met so many different cool people! But let's get to more juicy part, I met this girl, she was really beautiful... more on this on the next event :D
  • Cute Girl ;)

    Cute Girl ;)
    So adding on to my seasonal job, I met Vanessa, not only was she beautiful, but really funny and cool! So before the pumpkin ended, I asked her for her Snapchat. So on the last day of the pumpkin patch, I asked her if she wanted to hang out before work, she said "yes." From there, we kept hanging out, even till this day... yet shes not my girlfriend yet
  • Disneyland

    So, here we are again, me and Vanessa. I asked her out to Disneyland, she of course said "yes!" This was not only the best day of this month because c'mon it's Disneyland the happiest place on earth.
  • My Birthday

    My Birthday
    So nothing much, the day after I went to Disneyland, it's my birthday. The reason why I'm putting this is because this was the first time I smoked a joint... NO, I'M NOT ADDICTED TO IT