olympic time line

By 109636
  • first modern Olympics held

  • the games were first held in greece

    the first Olympics were held in Greece in 1896 and america won the most gold medals
  • first summer Olympics in the USA

    1904, the Olympics were held in St. Louis, Missouri.
  • the Olympics were canceled

    in 1916,1940 and in 1944 this was all do to the first an second world war.
  • Olympics 1992

    Barcelona,Spain,Europe, 1992,July 25-August 9 Unified Team won 45 gold medals 12 gold more than the USA
  • olympics 1996

    Atlanta, United States,1996,July 19-August 4 USA won 44 gold
  • Olympics 2000

    Sydney Australia,Oceania,2000,September 15-October 1
  • olympics 2004

    Athens Greece,Europe,2004, August 13-August 29 USA won 37 gold medals
  • olympics 2008

    Beijing, China Asia,2008 ,August 8-August 24
    china won 51 gold
  • 2012 Olympics

    London, United Kingdom Europe,2012,July 27-August 12. USA won 46 gold
  • 2016 Olympics

    Rio de Janeiro Brazil,South America,2016,August 5-August 21 USA won 121 medals in all