The War Began
In late 1914, Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated. He was riding through the city when Gavrilo Princip rushed their car and shot him and his wife dead. Gavrilo was a member of the group "Black Hand".The Serbians knew about this and they were hoping for a war so that they could take over the Austro-Hungarian empire. War is what they wanted and war is what they got! -
Trench Warfare
To protect themselves the soldiers had started digging trenches. There was a large network stretching from The English Chanel to the Swiss Border. The land between the trenches was nicknamed no mans land. The trenches warfare brought lots of diseases and made for many fatalities. -
Color My World
During World War I they had some bright new inventions. Colored newspaper supplements were invented in 1914. Also in 1914 photography was introduced by Eastman Kodak. In 1915 3-D films were invented and a year later in 1916 nail polish was made. Then in about 1918 3 colored taffic lights started appearing. -
Gas Attacks
In 1915 the Germans admitted to using chlorine gas bombs and shells on the field of combat. They then later used deadly mustard gas in 1917. This was a World War first! -
Big Bertha
Big Bertha was named after the manufacturers wife. It was a huge Howitzer gun which bombarded Paris. They would move the gun along the rsilroads at night making it hard for the allies to locate it. Big Bertha was used throughout the war. -
Jeanette Rankin
Jeanette Rankin was the first woman congressinal representative.She was elected in November 7, 1916. She was from Montana. -
U.S. Enters The War
Entering the war was a very contreversial topic for the United States. It was said that if we didnt join the war than Germany would attack our democracy. On the other side of this was the neutral party stressing that no one was attacking us directly.However the Zimmerman Telegram got the U.S. all worked up when they saw what Germany was sending to Mexico. Then U.S. joined the allied powers in World War I. -
Harold W. Riley
Harold W. Riley was born in 1894. He was a pilot in World War I that fought in many battles. He was involved in the war from June of 1917- March of 1919. He was also a POW. -
Harold Arrived at Tours
"When we arrived at tours the camp was run by the French with French food which I thought was awful but not bad compared to the fare in Issoudon." He had just come from Issoudon, which he ad stayed at for a couple of weeks. It was the fall of 1917. -
The Fourteen Points
The plan was presented to the congress in January 1918 to explain the goals of the U.S. in the war. They believed that if the fourteen points were put in place they would create lasting peace in Europe. First five points were proposed to eliminate war with negotiations. The next eight addressed the right of national self-determination. -
Harold Roommate Captured
The German had picked up Harold’s roommate one morning when he was flying. “He had to make a forced landing when his engine quit behind the enemy lines. The Germans picked him up and put him in a prison near the Swiss Border where he and a group of Americans spent the rest of the war, enjoying the food and wines, having a good time.” -
Manfred Von Richthofen
Manfred Von Richthofen was born on May 2, 1892. He was a German pilot during the war. Throughtout his career he destroyed more than 80 allied aircrafts. He was then shot down and killed on April 22, 1918. -
Harold Shot Down
When they were flying over to Boise there was trouble. Four German airplanes were behind them. Harold decided to turn the ship toward the four of them. He shot are airplane down but 3 still remained. The airplane was so badly shot up it went out of control. Him and his co-pilot were both badly wounded and taken into the prisoner’s hospital. -
Harold Captured
It was around November 1 of 1918 and Harold had been in the prisoner’s hospital for about a month. “It seems mine is the death room, each new patient brought in being very sick, not one surviving while I was there.” By this point Harold was doing much better and had hope that he would make it out alive. -
Armistice Ends War
Armistice is a truce or an agreement to stop fighting. At the 11th hour, on the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918 the fighting stopped. Although the fightng was over World War I was not. They still had peace treaties to negotiate and sign. -
Long Trip Home
It was November 11th and the war was over but the trip home had just begun. The journey was long. They had to go by boat and by train with little room. However they knew the war was over and they would get home eventually!