My Life Journey Began
This warm day on August 7th, 2000 was a very special day. I was 8.4 pounds and surrounded by friends and family. I was the first girl on the Paulson side in 88 years: so I was pretty special :).This was the day the wonderful journey of my life began. -
My Special Horse
This year at 2 years old, I learned how to ride horses. My Aunt was on the horse with me guiding me down the trail. I was sitting on my pink saddle on one of my favorite horses, Weaties. This is where I learned what my passion was. -
Street Attack
This day, no matter how weird, has lead me into having the best friend a girl could ask for. My best friend has given me so many memories that I will never forget. This is the day when I realized I would have a sister. -
Down The River We Go
These annual trips down the river in Honor Michigan are some of my favorite memories of my life. I remember my Uncle Paul blowing the tubes and rafts and tieing them together. My Aunt Kiki was always in the middle on her king sized bed and
the rule was don't splash Kiki. I was the only one aloud on her raft! These annual trips down the river made me realize how lucky I am to have the family I have. :) -
Blood Vessel
This is one of the hardest years for me. I loved my Aunt Kiki so much and I didn't want her to go. I didn't have enough time, I couldn't say goodbye, there was no way. A blood vessel popped in her brain; there was no way to save her. This made me realize that happieness doesn't last forever. -
The Gold Digger
This was one of the hardest days for me. When my Uncle Paul remarried to Judy it hurt me so bad. It made me think that he didn't care about my Aunt Kiki he just wanted a wife. Judy now won't let us up to the cabin at all. She just married him for his money. This experiance made me realize how deceiving and evil hearted people are just to get money. -
Falling To Pieces
This year was awful. After my Aunt Kiki died my family didn't know what to do. She was the one that held the whole family together. When she wasn't there to hold us together we fell apart. We stopped talking to each other and lost touch. At age 8 I had to learn how to be strong for myself. My life would never be the same. -
Bird Disease
This is the year that a huge part of my life was ripped away from me. My favorite horse died and there was no way to save her. She died from a rare disease called bird disease. I never got to go winter riding with her again. This day I lost what started my biggest passion. -
Coming Out Of The Closet
When my Uncle Bobby came out of the closet in 2009 it tore the family apart even more. My Uncke Ron didn't want to associate with him anymore. So that whole side of the family didn't talk to us after that. This is when I realized that people are not always who you thought they were. -
The Affair
This was the day when my favorite Aunt, Aunt Kim told my Uncle Scott she was having an affair on him. I trusted her so much and she just left. She destroyed my family and didn't care. About a year after the divorce she sent me a letter saying how sorry she was. I read it in the bathroom so my parents couldn't see. I couldn't stop crying, I thought she was serious. It turns out she was just trying to get info out of me about me Uncle. This is the day I realized you can't always trust family. -
The Stroke
This day made me cry uncontrollably. My Grandma was suppose to pick my brother and I up from the bus that day. When I got off the bus and she wasn't there to pick us up I knew something was wrong. When my mom told us she had a stroke I lost it. She was one of the few people left that I trusted. This is the day I realized bad things happen to good people. -
Goodbye Papa
This day my Papa committed suicide. When my Dad told me what happened I couldn't process it. We drove to my Nana's house to see her and my Mom who was already there. I remember working with him in his office on clock repairs. I would draw him pictures. When I went into his office I saw he still had those pictures hung up. This made everything just a little better. I realized that what really matters in family is family is forgivness and time. I wish I could have said goodbye... -
This day I was woken up by my Mom at 5:30am. She told me my Nana's whole body is swollen and her and my Dad need to go to the hospital. She told me that I needed to stay home with my brother and my Grandma would be there soon. I couldn't go back to sleep. I stayed up wondering the whole day wether or not my Nana was going to die and wether or not I would be able to say goodbye. This day made me realize everything can change in a split second and there may not be any stopping it. -
The Letter
Ths day I couldn't stop smiling. When I wanted to try out for Show Choir I didn't think I would make it in. Show Choir was the advanced group and I was nervous I wasn't good enough. But I decided I would try out anyway. The worst they could say is no, my friend told me. So I tried out and I made it! This made me realize I have a real talent! -
First Day
This was the first day of high school. I was terrified. I didn't know if I would make it to class on time. I didn't know if I had any classes with my friends. I didn't know if I could do it. But I did. And I'm loving it!